3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

ACP Access Control Policy
ADN Application Dedicated Node
ADN-AE AE which resides in the Application Dedicated Node
AE Application Entity
CoAP Constrained Application Protocol
CSE Common Services Entity
CSE-ID Common Service Entity Identifier
DNS Domain Name System
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
IN Infrastructure Node
IN-AE Application Entity that is registered with the CSE in the Infrastructure Node
IN-CSE CSE which resides in the Infrastructure Node
IP Internet Protocol
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
M2M Machine to Machine
Mca Reference Point for M2M Communication with AE
Mcc Reference Point for M2M Communication with CSE
MN Middle Node
MN-AE Application Entity that is registered with the CSE in Middle Node
MN-CSE CSE which resides in the Middle Node
PoA Point of Access
SP Service Provider
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
XML eXtensible Markup Language