3.2 Symbols

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

AE Application Entity
APT Abstract Protocol Tester
ATM Abstract Test Method
ATS Abstract Test Suite
CoAP Constrained Application Protocol
CSE Common Service Entity
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
IUT Implementation Under Test
IXIT Implementation eXtra Information for Test
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
MTC Main Test Component
PA Platform Adaptor
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PTC Paralell Test Component
PX PiXit
SA System Adaptor
SUT System Under Test
TC Test Case
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TP Test Purposes
TS Test System
TSS Test Suite Structure
TTCN Tree and Tabular Combined Notation
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UT Upper Tester
XML eXtensible Markup Language