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5.5 Test components

5.5.1 Tester

The Tester test component includes a set of ports, timers and variables that are common to the other defined components which are described in table 5.5.1-1.

Table 5.5.1-1: Tester component elements

Name Instance type Element type Description
acPort port AdapterControlPort Port that communicates with the adapter for sending configuration parameters
infoPort port InfoPort Port between test components for exchanging information
utPort port UpperTesterPort Port that communicates with the UT Application for triggering actions on the IUT
tc_ac timer N/A Timer for the reception of a message
tc_wait timer N/A Timer for the reaction of the IUT to an upper tester primitive
tc_done Timer N/A Timer for waiting completion of a component behaviour
vc_config variable Configurations Configuration being used for the given test case
vc_testSystemRole variable TestSystemRole Role of the test component
vc_componentRegistered variable boolean Flag to indicate when a component has registered to the IUT
vc_resetRequired variable Boolean Flag to indicate whether a reset of the IUT is necessary
vc_resourcesList variable MyResourcesList List of all resources created by the test system on the IUT
vc_resourcesIndexToBeDeleted variable IntegerList List of indexes of resources created by the test system on the IUT that need to be deleted
vc_acpIndex variable integer Index of accessControlPolicy resource used by the test system by default (when required)
vc_request variable MsgIn Latest request primitive received/sent
vc_response variable MsgIn Latest response primitive received/sent
vc_aeSimu variable default Reference to the default behaviour for an AeSimu component
vc_cseSimu variable default Reference to the default behaviour for an CseSimu component
vc_primitiveContentRetrievedResource variable PrimitiveContent Latest content of a RETRIEVE operation
vc_myInterfaces variable Interfaces Parameters for the ports of the given component:
Port (mcaPort, mcaPortIn, mccPort, mccPortIn)
Host (SUT IP address :port)
Protocol binding

Note that vc_aeSimu and vc_cseSimu are not common to the other defined test components, but those variables are required in Tester for the correct activation/deactivation of default behaviours.

5.5.2 AeSimu

The AeSimu test component extends the Tester component by adding elements specific to an AE entity. Table 5.5.2-1 summarizes those elements.

Table 5.5.2-1: AeSimu component elements

Name Instance type Element type Description
mcaPort port OneM2MPort Port that implements the mca interface when test system is the client (sending requests)
mcaPortIn port OneM2MPort Port that implements the mca interface when test system is the server (receiving requests)
vc_ae2 test component AeSimu Reference to the AE2 component when required
vc_cse1 test component CseSimu Reference to the CSE1 component when CF02 is used
vc_ae1 test component AeSimu Reference to the AE1 component when required
vc_das test component AeSimu Reference to the DAS component when required
vc_aeSimuDesc variable AeSimuComponentDesc Component configuration extracted from required (AE1 or AE2) tester pixit
vc_dasSimuDesc variable AeSimuComponentDesc Component configuration extracted from DAS tester pixit
vc_auxiliaryAe2Up variable boolean Flag to indicate that AE2 component has been started
vc_aeIndex variable integer Index of the AE resource in vc_resourcesList created by AeSimu component

5.5.3 CseSimu

The CseSimu test component extends the Tester component by adding elements specific to an CSE entity. Table 5.5.3-1 summarizes those elements.

Table 5.5.3-1: CseSimu component elements

Name Instance type Element type Description
mcaPort port OneM2MPort Port that implements the mca interface when test system is the client (sending requests)
mcaPortIn port OneM2MPort Port that implements the mca interface when test system is the server (receiving requests)
mccPort port OneM2MPort Port that implements the mcc interface when test system is the client (sending requests)
mccPortIn port OneM2MPort Port that implements the mcc interface when test system is the server (receiving requests)
mccPortInternal port OneM2MPortInternal Port that implements the mcc and mcc' interfaces between TTCN-3 components
vc_ae1 test component AeSimu Reference to the AE1 component when CF02 (CseSimu as master) is used
vc_cse2 test component CseSimu Reference to the CSE1 component when required
vc_cseSimuDesc variable CseSimuComponentDesc Component configuration extracted from required (CSE1 or CSE2) tester pixit
vc_localResourcesList variable MyResourcesList List of all resources created by the IUT on the test system
vc_localCSEBaseAnncIndex variable integer Index of the CSEBaseAnnc resource corresponding to the IUT
vc_localRemoteCseIndex variable integer Index of the remoteCSE resource in vc_localResourcesList representing the IUT (CSE)
vc_remoteCseIndex variable integer Index of the remoteCSE resource in vc_resourcesList representing the CseSimu component
vc_cSEBaseIndex variable integer Index of the CSEBase resource in vc_localResourcesList of the CseSimu component
vc_cseType variable CseTypeID CSE type of the test system (default is MN)
vc_auxiliaryCse2Up variable boolean Flag to indicate that CSE2 component has been started

5.5.4 ScefSimu

The ScefSimu test component extends the Tester component by adding elements specific to an SCEF entity. Table 5.5.4-1 summarizes those elements.

Table 5.5.4-1: ScefSimu component elements

Name Instance type Element type Description
mcnPort port OneM2MPort Port that implements the mcn interface when test system is the client (sending requests)
mcnPortIn port OneM2MPort Port that implements the mcn interface when test system is the server (receiving requests)
vc_ae1 test component AeSimu Reference to the AE1 component when required
vc_cse2 test component CseSimu Reference to the CSE1 component when required
vc_aeSimuDesc variable AeSimuComponentDesc Component configuration extracted from required (AE1) tester pixit
vc_cseSimuDesc variable CseSimuComponentDesc Component configuration extracted from required (CSE1) tester pixit
vc_cseType variable CseTypeID CSE type of the test system (default is MN)
vc_scefSimuDesc variable ScefSimuComponentDesc Component configuration extracted from required (SCEF) tester pixit
vc_configurations variable NiddConfigurations NIDD configurations of SCEF component