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5.3 ModuleClasses

5.3.1 Common Domain threeDprinter

This ModuleClass provides capabilities for a 3D printer.

Table Actions of threeDprinter

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none start3Dprint none true Start 3D printing.
none stop3Dprint none true Stop 3D printing.

Table DataPoints of threeDprinter ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
printType hd:enum3DprinterTechnology R false The type of printing technology (see clause 5.6.1).
printSizeX xs:float R false mm This data point represents the maximum size of a printing object in the direction of X-axis.
printSizeY xs:float R false mm This data point represents the maximum size of printing object in the direction of Y-axis.
printSizeZ xs:float R false mm This data point represents the maximum size of printing object in the direction of Z-axis.
network xs:boolean R false This value indicates the Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity of the 3D printer, such as Internet or GSM.
"False" indicates that the printer does not have network connectivity to a WAN. "True" indicates that the printer has WAN network connectivity.
memorySize xs:float R false MB This value represents the total memory size of the printer. The unit of measure is. acousticSensor

This ModuleClass provides capabilities for an acoustic sensor.

Table DataPoints of acousticSensor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
loudness xs:float R false dB
acousticStatus xs:integer R true pct The acousticStatus is expressed in percent, whereas a value of 0 means "no sound" and a value of 100 means "most noisy". airConJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of an air conditioner.

Table DataPoints of airConJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumAirConJobMode RW false Currently active job mode (see clause 5.6.3).
currentJobModeName xs:string R true Name of the current job mode as a string. This can be used when currentJobMode is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumAirConJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports (see clause 5.6.3). airFlow

This ModuleClass provides capabilities for controlling the air flow of a device.

Table DataPoints of airFlow ModuleClass

Name Type Readable Optional Unit Documentation
speed xs:integer RW false The current speed level in the range of the [minSpeed, maxSpeed] data points.
minSpeed xs:integer R true The minimum value for the speed level. If not present, the default is 0.
maxSpeed xs:integer R true The maximum value for the speed level. If not present, the default is 100.
verticalDirection hd:enumVerticalDirection RW true The vertical direction of the air flow (see clause 5.6.36).
supportedVerticalDirection List of hd:enumVerticalDirection R true List of supported vertical directions.
horizontalDirection hd:enumHorizontalDirection RW true The horizontal direction of the air flow (see clause 5.6.22).
supportedHorizontalDirection List of hd:enumHorizontalDirection R true List of supported horizontal directions.
automode xs:Boolean RW true Status of the automode feature. "True" indicates that the speed is set by the device, "False" indicates that the device is not controlling the speed. airPurifierJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of an airPurifier.

Table DataPoints of airPurifierJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumAirPurifierJobMode RW false Currently active job mode (see clause 5.6.4).
currentJobModeName xs:string R true Name of the current job mode as a string. This can be used when currentJobMode is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumAirPurifierJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports (see clause 5.6.4). airQualitySensor

This ModuleClass provides capabilities for a monitoring sensor that measures the air quality.

Editor's note: Check the short names for this module class. They are not aligned

Table DataPoints of airQualitySense ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
monitoringEnabled xs:boolean RW true The current status of monitoring. "True" indicates enabled, and "False" indicates not enabled.
pm1 xs:integer R true µg/m3 The concentration of particle matter under 1um.. The minimum value is 0.
pm25 xs:integer R true µg/m3 The concentration of particle matter under 2,5um. The minimum value is 0.
pm10 xs:integer R true µg/m3 The concentration of particle matter under 10um. The minimum value is 0.
tsp xs:float R true µg/m3 Total suspended particle.
odor xs:integer R true OU/m3 The concentration of odour that reflects air pollution. The minimum value is 0.
humidity xs:float R true pct The measured humidity. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum value is 100.
temperature xs:float R true °C The current temperature
airPressure xs:float R true KPa The air pressure.
co xs:float R true mg/m3 This value indicates the CO level.
co2 xs:float R true mg/m3 This value indicates the CO2 level.
ch2o xs:float R true µg/m3 This value indicates the CH2O level.
voc xs:float R true ppm This value indicates the VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds).
no2 xs:float R true µg/m3 This value indicates the concentration of NO2.
so2 xs:float R true µg/m3 This value indicates the concentration of SO2.
o3 xs:float R true µg/m3 This value indicates the concentration of O3.
noise xs:float R true dB This value indicates the level of noise.
windDirection xs:float R true deg The wind direction. The value range is [0-359]. North is 0,0 degrees, east is 90,0 degrees, south is 180,0 degrees, west is 270,0 degrees.
windSpeed xs:float R true m/s The wind speed alarmSpeaker

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to initiate and monitor an alarm.

Table DataPoints of alarmSpeaker ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
tone hd:enumTone RW true Representing the tones of the alarm (see clause 5.6.34).
light hd:enumAlertColourCode R true Representing the lighting mode of the alarm (see clause 5.6.5).
alarmStatus xs:boolean R false "True" indicates the alarm start while "False" indicates the alarm stop. audioVolume

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor volume

Table Actions of audioVolume

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none upVolume none true Increase the volume by the amount of the stepValue up to the maxValue.
none downVolume none true Decrease the volume by the amount of the stepValue down to 0.
none muteAudioVolume none true Save the current audio volume and set the volume to 0.

Table DataPoints of audioVolume

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
volumeValue xs:integer RW false pct The rounded percentage of the current volume in the range of [0, maxValue]. 0 percentage shall mean no sound produced.
stepValue xs:integer R true pct Step value used by the "upVolume" and "downVolume" actions.
maxValue xs:integer R true pct Maximum value allowed for Volume. maxValue is 100 by default if "maxValue" is not provided.
muteEnabled xs:boolean RW false The current status of the mute enablement. "True" indicates enabled (that is, no sound), and "False" indicates not enabled (that is, sound is played).
saveAudioVolume xs:integer RW true pct Save the current audio volume for the muteAudioVolume autoDocumentFeeder

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to monitor the state of autoDocumentFeeder (ADF). ADF is a feature which takes several pages and feeds the paper one page at a time into a scanner or printer, allowing the user to scan, print or fax, multiple-page documents without having to manually replace each page.

Table DataPoints of autoDocumentFeeder ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentAdfState hd:enumAdfState R false Current state of the ADF.
adfStates list of hd:enumAdfState R false List of possible ADF states that are supported by the device (see clause 5.6.2). battery

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to indicate the detection of low battery and gives an alarm if the triggering criterion is met. The level data point in the ModuleClass represents the current battery charge level.

Table DataPoints of battery ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
level xs:integer R false pct The rounded percentage of the current charging level of a battery in the range of [0, 100]. 0 percentage shall mean that no charge remains.
capacity xs:integer R true mAh The total capacity of battery in mAh.
rechargeable xs:boolean R true To indicate the battery is rechargeable or not. "True" indicates rechargeable.
charging xs:boolean R true The status of charging. "True" indicates enabled, and "False" indicates not enabled.
discharging xs:boolean R true The status of discharging. "True" indicates charging, and "False" indicates not charging.
lowBattery xs:boolean R true To indicate that the battery is on a low charge level.
batteryThreshold xs:integer RW true When a battery's "level" is less than "batteryThreshold" then "lowBattery" is set to "True". This datapoint can be used to raise an alarm, depending on the implementation.
chargingVoltage xs:float R true V The voltage to charge the battery
chargingAmpere xs:float R true A The ampere to charge the battery
dischargingVoltage xs:float R true V The voltage to discharge the battery
dischargingAmpere xs:float R true A The ampere to discharge the battery
batteryMaterial hd:enumBatteryMaterial R true The material of the cell of the battery
batteryShape hd:enumBatteryShape R true The size of the battery such as "AAA". binaryObject

This ModuleClass describes the handling of a binary object (blob).

Table DataPoints of binaryObject ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
object xs:string RW false This data point contains the base64 encoded binary object.
objectType xs:string RW false This data point contains the type and subtype of the binary object as a MIME type.
size xs:integer RW true The size of the decoded binary object.
hash xs:string RW true The hash code of the blob. If present, it is used to check the decoded content of the "object" data point for integrity. The algorithm used for generating the hash value is SHA-2 [15]. The data point contains the hash as a hex encoded value. binarySwitch

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor the state of power.

Table Actions of binarySwitch ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none toggle none true Toggle the switch.

Table DataPoints of binarySwitch ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
state xs:boolean RW false The current status of the binarySwitch. "True" indicates turned-on, and "False" indicates turned-off. bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis

This ModuleClass provides the analysis of human body tissue based on impedance measurement.

Table DataPoints of bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
water xs:float R false pct The water content measurement from the BIA.
fat xs:float R false pct The fat content measurement from the BIA.
muscle xs:float R false pct The muscle content measurement from the BIA.
bone xs:float R false pct The bone content measurement from the BIA.
visceraFat xs:float R false pct The viscera fat content measurement from the BIA.
kcal xs:float R false kcal The kcal (kilocalories) measurement from the BIA.
resistance xs:float R false ohm The resistance of human body. bodyCompositionAnalyser

This ModuleClass provides the capability to report the measurement of body composition analyser characteristics.

Table DataPoints of body composition analyser ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
bodyLength xs:float R true cm The measurement of body length by Weight scale and Body composition analyser.
bmi xs:float R true kg/m2 The measurement of Body Mass Index (BMI) by a weight scale and a body composition analyser.
fatFreeMass xs:float R true kg The measurement of fat free mass by a weight scale and a body composition analyser.
softLeanMass xs:float R true kg The measurement of soft lean mass by a weight scale and a body composition analyser.
muscleMass xs:float R true kg The measurement of muscle mass by a weight scale and a body composition analyser.
basalMetabolism xs:float R true kcal The measurement of basal metabolism by a weight scale and a body composition analyser.
impedance xs:float R true ohm The measurement of impedance by a weight scale and a body composition analyser.
Mass xs:float R true kg The measurement of mass by a weight scale and a body composition analyser.
bodyWaterMass xs:float R true kg The measurement of body water mass by a weight scale and a body composition analyser.
inorganicSaltMass xs:float R true g The measurement of inorganic salt mass by a weight scale and a body composition analyser.
somatotype xs:string R true The measurement of somatotype by Weight scale and Body composition analyser. boiler

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control the status of the boiling functionality for water heaters.

Table DataPoints of boiler ModuleClass

Name Type R-W Optional Unit Documentation
status xs:boolean RW false The status of boiling. "True" indicates boiling, "False" indicates not boiling. brewing

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor a brewing process. It is intended to be part of devices that prepare hot drinks such as a coffee or a tea.

Table DataPoints of brewing ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
cupsNumber xs:integer RW false The current number of the cups requested to brew.
strength hd:enumTasteStrength RW true The current strength of the drink taste (see clause 5.6.33). A higher value indicates a stronger taste. brightness

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor the brightness of a light for example from a lamp. Brightness is scaled as a percentage. A lamp or a monitor can be adjusted to a level of light between very dim (0 % is the minimum brightness) and very bright (100 % is the maximum brightness).

Table DataPoints of brightness ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
brightness xs:integer RW false pct The status of brightness level. clock

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor time and date information.

Table DataPoints of clock ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentTime xs:time RW false Information of the current time
currentDate xs:date RW false Information of the current date
currentTimeZone xs:string RW true Name of current time zone according to the IANA Timezone data format (TZ) [17], for example, "America/New York". clothesDryerJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of a clothes dryer.

Table DataPoints of clothesDryerJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumClothesDryerJobMode RW false Currently active job mode (see clause 5.6.7).
currentJobModeName xs:string R true The name of current job mode as a string. This can be used when "currentJobMode" is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumClothesDryerJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports. clothesWasherJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job mode of a washer.

Table DataPoints of clothesWasherJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumClothesWasherJobMode RW false Currently active job mode (see clause 5.6.9).
currentJobModeName xs:string RW true The name of the current job mode as a string. This can be used when the currentJobMode is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumClothesWasherJobMode R false List of possible job states that the device supports (see clause 5.6.9). clothesWasherDryerJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of clothesWasherDryer.

Table DataPoints of clothesWasherDryerJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumClothesWasherDryerJobMode RW false Currently active job (see clause 5.6.8).
currentJobModeName xs:string RW true The name of the current job mode as a string. This can be used when currentJobMode is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumClothesWasherDryerJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports (see clause 5.6.8). clothesWasherJobModeOption

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the washing job mode options of a washer.

Table DataPoints of clothesWasherJobModeOption ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
washTemp hd:enumGeneralTemperature RW true This data point represents the water temperature level (see clause 5.6.19).
soilLevel hd:enumGeneralLevel RW true This data point represents the washing level (see clause 5.6.17).
spinSpeed hd:enumGeneralSpeed RW true This data point represents the spin-dry speed level (see clause 5.6.18).
preWash xs:boolean RW true This data point indicates pre-wash. "True" indicates enabled, "False" indicates disabled.
speedWash xs:boolean RW true This data point indicates speed wash. "True" indicates enabled, "False" indicates disabled.
steamTreat xs:boolean RW true This data point indicates steam treat. "True" indicates enabled, "False" indicates disabled.
coldWash xs:boolean RW true This data point indicates cold wash. "True" indicates enabled, "False" indicates disabled.
extraRinse xs:boolean RW true This data point indicates extra rinse. "True" indicates enabled, "False" indicates disabled. colour

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to set the value of the Red, Green, and Blue colour channels for a colour device.

Table DataPoints of colour ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
red xs:integer RW false The value of the Red colour channel of RGB. The range is [0,255].
green xs:integer RW false The value of the Green colour channel of RGB. The range is [0,255].
blue xs:integer RW false The value of the Blue colour channel of RGB. The range is [0,255]. colourSaturation

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor a colour saturation value.

Table DataPoints of colourSaturation ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
colourSaturation xs:integer RW false pct The status of colour saturation level. "colourSaturation" has a range of [0,100]. A "colourSaturation" value of 0 means that a device displays or produces black and white images. A "colourSaturation" value of 50 means that a device displays or produces normal colour images. A "colourSaturation" value of 100 means that a device displays or produces very colourful images. connectivity

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to monitor network connectivity.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name table 6.3

Table DataPoints of connectivity ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
rsrp xs:integer R false dBm Reference signal received power (RSRP) is a measurement of the received power level in an LTE cell network.
rsrq xs:integer R true dB Reference signal received quality (RSRQ) indicates the quality of the received reference signal. RSRQ is defined as the ratio NxRSRP/(E-UTRA carrier RSSI), where N is the number of RB's of the E-UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. The measurements in the numerator and denominator shall be made over the same set of resource blocks.
cellID xs:integer R true Serving Cell ID in case Network Bearer Resource is a Cellular Network.
rssi xs:integer R true dBm In telecommunications, received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is a measurement of the power present in a received radio signal.
signalECL xs:integer R true Based on measurements of the reference signal's received power, the UE will select an entry coverage enhancement level (ECL) to camp into the cell. The coverage level will determine the Narrowband Physical Random Access Channel (NPRACH) resources used by the device and will inform the eNB of the device receiver sensitivity conditions.
sinr xs:integer R true dB Signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) is commonly used in wireless communication as a way to measure the quality of wireless connections.
pci xs:string R true Physical Cell ID is an identification of a cell at physical layer.
dailyActivityTime xs:integer R true s Daily communication time (Starts at 00:00h).
dailyNumberOfConnections xs:integer R true Daily number of connections (Starts at 00:00h).
commFreqValue xs:integer R true MHz Communication frequency value (commFreqValue) is the transmission frequency of the wireless signal.
currentCycleBeginn xs:datetime R true A timestamp that indicates the beginning of the current cycle for counting the transfer volumina and transmission errors.
currentCycleVolume xs:integer R true bytes Number of bytes transferred since currentCycleBeginn.
currentCycleTransmissionErrors xs:integer R true Number of transmission errors since currentCycleBeginn.
minimumCommunicationLatency xs:integer R true s The minimum time delay between the last communication attempt. cookerHoodJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of a cookerHood.

Table DataPoints of cookerHoodJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumCookerHoodJobMode RW false The currently active job mode.
currentJobModeName xs:string R true The name of the current job mode as a string. This can be used when currentJobMode is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumCookerHoodJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports (see clause 5.6.10). credentials

This ModuleClass provides the capability to manage user credentials which allows a user to authenticate on an appliance or a server that is associated with the appliance. The authentication depends on a user login and password, or on a token. An example appliance which may include this ModuleClass is a camera.

Table DataPoints of credentials ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
loginName xs:string W true The user's login name.
password xs:string W true The user's password.
token xs:string W true An authentication token, for example an OAuth token. dehumidifierJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of a dehumidifier device.

Table DataPoints of dehumidifierJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumDehumidifierJobMode RW false The currently active job mode (see clause 5.6.11).
currentJobModeName xs:string R true The name of the current job mode as a string. This can be used when currentJobMode is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumDehumidifierJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports. dishWasherJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of a dishWasher.

Table DataPoints: DataPoints of dishWasherJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumDishWasherJobMode RW false The currently active job mode.
currentJobModeName xs:string R true The name of the current job mode as a string. This can be used when the currentJobMode is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumDishWasherJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports (see clause 5.6.12). doorStatus

This ModuleClass provides the status of a door. It is intended to be part of a device such as a refrigerator and an oven that might have multiple doors.

Table DataPoints of doorStatus ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
doorState hd:enumDoorState R false Current state of the door (see clause 5.6.15).
openDuration m2m:timestamp R true The time duration the door has been open.
openAlarm xs:boolean RW true The state of the door open alarm. "True" indicates that the open alarm is active. "False" indicates that the open alarm is not active. electricVehicleConnector

This ModuleClass provides information about charging/discharging devices for electric vehicles.

Table DataPoints of electricVehicleConnector ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
status xs:boolean R false The status of connection. "True" means connected, "False" means not connected.
chargingCapacity xs:integer R true Ah Rated charging capacity.
dischargingCapacity xs:integer R true Ah Rated discharging capacity. energyConsumption

This ModuleClass describes the measured energy consumed by the device since power up. One particular use case for the energyConsumption ModuleClass is a smart meter.

Table DataPoints of energyConsumption ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
power xs:float R true W The power of the device.
absoluteEnergyConsumption xs:float R false Wh The absolute energy consumption, reflecting the real measurement of accumulative energy.
roundingEnergyConsumption xs:integer R true This energy consumption data is calculated by multiplying significantDigits with multiplyingFactors, and rounding down the result.
significantDigits xs:integer R true The number of effective digits for data.
multiplyingFactors xs:float R true The unit for data multiplying factors, for example 1 kWh, 0,1 kWh, 0,01 kWh etc.
voltage xs:float R true V The voltage of the device.
current xs:float R true A The current of the device.
frequency xs:float R true Hz The frequency of the device.
measuringScope xs:string RW true The measuring scope of the meter, for example the whole house, a room, or a device. energyGeneration

This ModuleClass provides information about generation data on electric generator devices such as a photo voltaic power system, fuel cells, or microgeneration.

Table DataPoints of energyGenerationModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
powerGenerationData xs:float R true W Amount of instantaneous generation data.
roundingEnergyGeneration xs:integer R true This energy consumption data is calculated by multiplying significantDigits with multiplyingFactors, and rounding down the result.
significantDigits xs:integer R true The number of effective digits for data.
multiplyingFactors xs:floatr R true The unit for data multiplying factors, for example 1 kWh, 0,1 kWh, 0,01 kWh etc.
generationSource xs:string RW false The type of generating source. faultDetection

This ModuleClass provides information about whether a fault has occurred in a device.

Table DataPoints of faultDetection ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
status xs:boolean R false The status of fault detection.
code xs:integer R true The numeric representation of the fault.
description xs:string R true The message representation of the fault. filterInfo

This ModuleClass is for monitoring filter information of a device.

Table DataPoints of filterInfo ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
usedTime xs:integer R false The cumulative used time in seconds of a filter
needsReplacement xs:boolean R true This value indicates that the filter needs to be replaced.
filterLifetime xs:integer R true pct Percentage lifetime remaining for the water filter. foaming

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor desired parameters of foam e.g. for foaming milk. It is initially intended to be part of a device that prepare drinks with milk (for example a coffee machine or hot chocolate machine).

Table DataPoints of foaming ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
foamingStrength hd:enumFoamStrength RW false The current strength of foamed milk. A higher value indicates more foamed milk (see clause 5.6.16). galleryMode

This ModuleClass provides information about the mode of display. The galleryMode includes the display orientation, display interval and display order.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of galleryMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
displayOrientation hd:enumDisplayOrientation RW false The orientation of display.
displayInterval xs:integer RW true s The interval of changing display content.
displayOrder hd:enumDisplayOrder RW true The sequence of the displaying content.

? gasChargingControl

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to recharge the gas meter.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of gasChargingControl ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
billingNumber xs:string RW true The billing number of the remote recharge.
rechargeCredit xs:float RW true Amount of recharge money in local currency.
surplusCredit xs:float R true Amount of surplus money in local currency.
rechargeGas xs:float RW true m3 Amount of recharge gas.
surplusGas xs:float R true m3 Amount of surplus gas. gasMeterAlarm

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to set service parameters of a gas meter.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of gasMeterAlarm ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
lowGasAlarm xs:boolean R true The alarm of insufficient amount of gas.
lowCreditAlarm xs:boolean R true The alarm of insufficient amount of money.
leakageAlarm xs:boolean R true The alarm of gas leakage.
lockedDownAlarm xs:boolean R true The alarm of the gas meter being locked. When the gas meter is in use, the lower wheel does not work, called the "dead meter".
largeFlowAlarm xs:boolean R true The alarm of large flow occurring. The instantaneous flow passed exceeds the setting maximum flow of the gas meter.
magneticDisturb xs:boolean R true The alarm of magnetic interference occurring.
singleCountAlarm xs:boolean R true The alarm of single reed switch counting. The normal condition is that the double reed switches are working. If only a single reed switch is working, it means that the metering has a problem and shall fire the alarm. gasMeterReportInfo

This ModuleClass provides information of measurements of a gas meter.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of gasMeterReportInfo ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
totalUseValue xs:float R false m3 The total consumption of gas.
valveStatus xs:boolean R true The status of the gas meter valve.
"True": open
"False": close geoLocation

This ModuleClass provides the capability to get or set geo-location information.

Table DataPoints of geoLocation ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
latitude xs:float RW false deg The current latitude part of a geo-location.
longitude xs:float RW false deg The current longitude part of a geo-location.
altitude xs:float RW true m The optional current altitude part of a geo-location.
heading xs:float RW true The azimuth of a device measured in degrees to true north. North is 0,0 degrees, east is 90,0 degrees, south is 180,0 degrees, west is 270.0 degrees. A negative value indicates an unknown heading.
horizontalAccuracy xs:float R true The optional current horizontal accuracy of the geo-location. The unit of measures is meters and describes a radius around the latitude/longitude coordinate.
verticalAccuracy xs:float R true m The optional current vertical accuracy of the altitude.
headingAccuracy xs:float R true deg The optional current maximum deviation between the heading and the true geomagnetic heading.
targetLatitude xs:float RW true deg The optional target latitude part of a geo-location. This can be used to move a device to a new location.
targetLongitude xs:float RW true deg The optional target longitude part of a geo-location. This can be used to move a device to a new location.
targetAltitude xs:float RW true m The optional target altitude part of a geo-location. This can be used to move a device to a new altitude.

? glucometer

This ModuleClass provides the capability to report the measurement of glucose characteristics.

Table DataPoints of glucometer ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
concentration xs:float R false mg/dl The measurement of concentration by Glucometer.
hba1c xs:float R true pct The measurement of HbA1c by Glucometer.
contextExercise xs:float R true pct The measurement of context exercise by Glucometer.
contextMedication xs:float R true mg/dl The measurement of context medication by Glucometer.
contextCarbohydratesAmount xs:float R true g The measurement of context carbohydrates by Glucometer.
contextCarbohydratesSource xs:string R true The timing of meals (for example "breakfast carbohydrates").
contextMeal xs:string R true The style of meals (for example "casual").
contextLocation xs:string R true The body location where the Glucometer is worn (for example "finger").
contextTester xs:string R true The test style (for example "self").
contextHealth xs:string R true The severity of symptoms (for example "minor"). grinder

This ModuleClass is for controlling a grinder, for example in a coffee machine.

Table DataPoints of grinder ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
useGrinder xs:boolean RW false The current status of the grinder enablement. "True" indicates enabled, and "False" indicates disabled.
coarseness hd:enumGrindCoarseness RW true The wished coarseness of the solid supplies after grinding, for example for coffee beans (see clause 5.6.21).
grainsRemaining hd:enumGrainsLevel R true The level of remaining grains in a machine having a grinder, for example for remaining coffee beans in the coffee machine grinder (see clause 5.6.20). heatingZone

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to monitor the status of the heating zone, for example for a cooktop.

Table DataPoints of heatingZone ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
heatingLevel xs:integer R false The current heating level of the zone. The value range is from 0 (indicating that the zone is not heating) up to the maxHeatingLevel.
maxHeatingLevel xs:integer R false The maximum value allowed for the heating level of the zone. height

This ModuleClass provides the capability to report the measurement of height.

Table DataPoints of height ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
height xs:float R false cm The height measurement. hotWaterSupply

This ModuleClass provides information about the status of supplying hot water into tanks or bath tubs.

Table DataPoints of hotWaterSupply ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
bath xs:boolean RW true The status of whether a bath tub is filled. impactSensor

This ModuleClass describes the capabilities on an impact sensor. The impact is a high force or shock over a short time period and the impactSensor detects this.

Table DataPoints of impactSensor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
impactStatus xs:boolean R false The "impactStatus" indicates as follows:
"True" means that a physical impact is detected, "False" means indicates a normal status (no impact detected).
impactLevel xs:float R true The "impactLevel" provides the level of impact. The unit of measure is "g" (G-force).
impactDirectionHorizontal xs:float R true The "impactDirection" indicates the horizontal direction where the impact comes from. The value is 0 to 360 degrees. 0 is the front of the sensor and with clockwise increment.
impactDirectionVertical xs:float R true The "impactDirection" indicates the vertical direction where the impact comes from. The value is 0 to 360 degrees. 0 is the front of the sensor and with upward increment. keepWarm

This module allows to control the 'keep warm' feature in devices like coffee machines, kettles etc. It allows to keep water warm for a desired time. This ModuleClass inherits from binarySwitch (see clause to store setting for the 'keep warm' feature. If the "powerState" data point in a keepWarmSwitch is "True" then the 'keep warm' function will be performed just after boiling (or heating) process is finished (otherwise this function will not be applied).

Table DataPoints of keepWarm ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
time xs:integer RW true The desired duration of 'keep water warm' function. It indicates how long water shall be kept warm, for example after the boiling in a kettle. The value indicates a time expressed in minutes.
targetTemperature xs:float RW true C Content temperature. keypad

This ModuleClass provides the capability to perform a user defined service through the key-in number. For example, a user can define key 1 as "perform a takeout from a restaurant with combo meal 1". The IoT service provider or user can define the services.

Table DataPoints of keypad ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
keyNumber xs:integer R false The number of the pressed key. liquidLevel

This ModuleClass provides the desired level of water (or other liquid) for an appliance, for example the desired level of milk for a cup of coffee from a coffee machine.

Table DataPoints of liquidLevel ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
liquidLevel hd:enumLiquidLevel RW false The desired level of water or other liquid, for example the desired level of milk in a cup of coffee (see clause 5.6.24). liquidRemaining

This ModuleClass provides the status of water level (or other liquid) for an appliance, for example the level of remaining milk in a coffee machine.

Table DataPoints of liquidRemaining ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
liquitRemaining hd:enumLiquidLevel R false The remaining level of water or other liquid in an appliance (see clause 5.6.24). lock

This ModuleClass provides the function to lock and unlock an object.

Table DataPoints of lock ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
lock xs:boolean RW false "True" indicates the object is locked, while "False" indicates the object is not locked. mediaSelect

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor media input and output of device such as TV or SetTopBox.

Table DataPoints of mediaSelect ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
mediaID xs:integer RW false The numeric index of the activated media in the supported media sources list "supportedMediaSources".
supportedMediaSources list of hd:enumSupportedMediaSources R false List of supported input or output media for the given device (see clause 5.6.32).
mediaName xs:string R true Specifies a pre-defined media input or output.
status xs:boolean R true Specifies whether the specific media instance is selected ("True") or not ("False").
mediaType hd:enumSupportedMediaSources R false Specifies the type of the media (see clause 5.6.32). motionSensor

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to indicate the occurrence of motion and raising of an alarm if the triggering criterion is met.

Table DataPoints of motionSensor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
alarm xs:boolean R false The detection of the motion occurrence.
silentTime xs:integer RW true s The time that a motionSensor restrains from sending an alarm in case continuous motions are detected after one alarm is produced. This data point can be used to avoid repeated alarm reports.
sensitivity xs:integer RW true The level of the detection accuracy of the motion sensor. This data point can be used to control the number of the report. numberValue

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to represent a number. It also has capabilities for controlled increment and decrement a counter. It can be used to present a number-related functionality in a technology where there is only a weak semantic specification of that functionality.

Table Actions of numberValue ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none decrementNumberValue none true Decrement the "numberValue" by the value of "step", down to the value of "minimum".
none incrementNumberValue none true Increment the "numberValue" by the value of "stepValue", up to the value of "maxValue".
none resetNumberValue none true Reset the "numberValue" to its "defaultValue".

Table DataPoints of numberValue ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
numberValue xs:float RW false The actual value of the number.
minValue xs:float RW true The optional minimum value of the number. The default is the system-specific minimum value for a float value.
maxValue xs:float RW true The optional maximum value of the number. The default is the system-specific maximum value for a float value.
defaultValue xs:float RW true The optional default value for the number. The default is 0,0 .
step xs:float RW true The optional step size for controlled increment and decrement. The default is 1.0 , even when this data point is not implemented. openLevel

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to control and monitor the open status of an entity, for example a curtain.

Table Actions of openLevel ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none open None true Increase the open level by the amount of the "stepValue" up to the "maxLevel".
none close None true Decrease the open level by the amount of the "stepValue" down to the "minLevel".

Table DataPoints of openLevel ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
openLevel xs:integer RW false pct The rounded percentage of the current open level of entity in the range of [0, 100]. 0 percentage shall mean the entity is closed.
stepValue xs:integer RW true The step value used by the "open" and "close" actions.
minLevel xs:integer RW true The minimum value allowed for the "openLevel" status. The default value is 0, which means fully closed.
maxLevel xs:integer RW true The maximum value allowed for the "openLevel" status. The default value is 100, which means fully opened. operationMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control or monitor the operation mode of appliances.

Table DataPoints of operationMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
startPause xs:boolean RW false A value of "True" triggers or starts an operation, and "False" pauses the operation. overcurrentSensor

This ModuleClass provides capabilities for an over-current sensor.

Table DataPoints of overcurrentSensor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
overcurrentStatus xs:boolean R false The overcurrentStatus indicates as follows:
"True" indicates that an over-current is detected, and "False" indicates a normal status, this means that an over-current is not detected.
detectedTime m2m:timestamp R true The time when the over-current was detected.
duration xs:float R true ms The duration of the detected over-current. oximeter

This ModuleClass provides the capability to report the measurement of blood oxygen characteristics.

Table DataPoints of oximeter ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
oxygenSaturation xs:integer R false pct The measurement of oxygensaturation by Oximeter. ozoneMeter

This ModuleClass provides capabilities for an ozone meter. The "ozoneValue..." attributes are optional, but one of them SHALL be provided.

Table DataPoints of ozoneMeter ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
ozoneValuePPM xs:float R true ppm
ozoneValueMG xs:float R true mg/m
ozoneStatus hd:enumOzoneStatus R true The ozoneStatus indicates the level of ozone status. (see clause 5.6.26).
maxValue xs:float R true The maximum value shows the measurement range of the ozone meter (for example maxValue=5 means the range is 0 to 5 ppm). This attribute is only used that the ozone meter provides "ppm" value. magneticSensorParameters

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to set service parameters for parking detectors.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of magneticSensorParameters ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
detectionInterval xs:integer RW false s Time interval for detecting the geomagnetic field strength.
initialMagnetic xs:float RW true The value of initial geomagnetic field strength, which is usually set when the parking detector is initially installed. It may be reset later if the geomagnetic field strength of the local environment is affected by other factors. The value is used as the reference threshold to determine the parkingStatus. When the parking detector detects that the strength of the magnetic field is greater than the initialMagnetic, the parkingStatus is set to "true", otherwise, the parkingStatus is set to "false".
magneticSensitivityLevel xs:integer RW true The level of detection sensitivity. It is implementation specific.
highMagneticAlarm xs:boolean R false The alarm of high magnetic interference. The alarm threshold is implementation specific. parkingStatus

This ModuleClass provides the status of the parking detector.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of parkingStatus ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
parkingStatus xs:boolean R false This value indicates the status of the parking space.
"False": not occupied.
"True": occupied. periodicalReportConfig

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to set parameters of periodic report.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of periodicalReportConfig ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
backoffTime xs:integer RW false s The number of seconds to wait before connecting to network.
period xs:integer RW true s Reporting period.
retryTimes xs:integer RW true The maximum number of re-sent attempts in the case of report failure.
retryInterval xs:integer RW true s The minimum time interval between each message transmission retry. phoneCall

This ModuleClass provides the capability get or set the caller and recipient IDs as well as to initiate and terminate a call.

Table Actions of phoneCall ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none call none true Initiate an outgoing call.
none answer none true Answer (pickup) an incoming call.
none hangup none true Hangup an established call.

Table DataPoints of phoneCall ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
callerID xs:string RW false This data point represents the initiating caller identification of a call. In case of an outgoing call this would be the local line ID. This data point is optional. When it is empty for an incoming call, then the caller ID is unknown. When it is empty for an outgoing call, then it is expected that it is set by the PBX or the operator. The format of caller ID is not specified here.
recipientID xs:string RW false This data point represents the receiving caller identification of a call. In case of an incoming call this would be the local line ID and optionally extension. The format of caller ID is not specified here.
callState hd:enumCallState R true This data point represents the current state of an associated phone device regarding calls. playerControl

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor the operational modes of a media player functionality.

Table Actions of playerControl ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none nextTrack none true Go forward to a next chapter, section or similar marker in the media.
none previousTrack none true Go back to a previous chapter, section or similar marker in the media.

Table DataPoints of playerControl ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentPlayerMode hd:enumPlayerMode RW false The current mode of the player.
currentPlayerModeName xs:string R true Name of current player mode in string. This can be used when "currentPlayerMode" is vendor-specific.
supportedPlayerModes list of hd:enumPlayerMode R false List of supported modes for a player.
speedFactor xs:float RW true The optional factor of speeding up or slowing down playback, rewind or fast forward. powerSave

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to enable the power saving mode of a device and monitor the current status.

Table DataPoints of powerSave ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
powerSaveEnabled xs:boolean RW false The current status of the power saving mode. "True" indicates enabled, and "False" indicates not enabled. printQueue

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities for monitoring printing list information.

Table DataPoints of printQueue ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
uri list of xs:uri trueR false The URI of the printing file. The URI could be "file://".
printingState list of hd:enumJobState R false The printingState is indicating the status of the printing file.
Editor Note: Better mapping explanation needed. This doesn't seem to be the same as the usual list of enums used in other ModuleClasses pulsemeter

This ModuleClass provides the capability to report the measurement of pulse characteristics.

Table DataPoints of pulsemeter ModuleClass

Name Type R-W Optional Unit Documentation
pulseRate xs:float R false bpm The measurement of pulserate by pulse meter.
rr xs:float R true ms The measurement of RR interval by pulse meter.
energy xs:float R true kcal/h The measurement of energy by pulse meter.
modality xs:string R true The modality of a particular SpO2 measurement. pushButton

This ModuleClass provides the capability to indicate the operation of a push button style switch. A typical application can be an SOS button.

Table DataPoints of pushButton ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
pushed xs:boolean R false This data point indicates the press of the button. recorder

This ModuleClass provides the capability to record video/audio for a defined duration.

Table DataPoints of recorder ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
duration xs:integer RW false s The duration for video/audio recording. Set to trigger the recorder. refrigeration

This ModuleClass provides capabilities for a refrigeration function.

Table DataPoints of refrigeration ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
rapidFreeze xs:boolean RW true Controls the rapid freeze capability. "True" indicates active, "False" indicates inactive.
rapidCool xs:boolean RW true Controls the rapid cool capability. "True" indicates active, "False" indicates inactive.
defrost xs:boolean RW true Controls the defrost cycle. "True" indicates active, "False" indicates inactive.
deodorize xs:boolean RW true Controls the deodourize cycle. "True" indicates active, "False" indicates inactive.
degerm xs:boolean RW true Controls the degerm cycle. "True" indicates active, "False" indicates inactive. relativeHumidity

This ModuleClass provides the capability for a device to report the humidity based on a specified rule that is vendor dependent.

Table DataPoints of relativeHumidity ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
relativeHumidity xs:float R false pct The measurement of the relative humidity value.
desiredHumidity xs:float RW true pct Desired value for humidity. This data point indicates the desired humidity. remoteControlEnable

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to monitor the remote controllability of the appliance.

Table DataPoints of remoteControlEnable ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
remoteControlEnabled xs:boolean R false This data point enables or disables remote controllability and is set by a user locally. "True" indicates enabled remote access, and "False" indicates disabled remote access. robotCleanerJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of a robotCleaner.

Table DataPoints of robotCleanerJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumRobotCleanerJobMode RW false Currently active job mode (see clause 5.6.28).
currentJobModeName xs:string R true Name of current job mode as a string. This can be used when "currentJobMode" is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumRobotCleanerJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports (see clause 5.6.28). runState

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and the monitor machine state of appliances.

Table DataPoints of runState ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentMachineState hd:enumMachineState RW false The currently active machine state (see clause 5.6.25).
machineStates list of hd:enumMachineState R false A list of possible machine states the device supports (see clause 5.6.25).
currentJobState hd:enumJobState R true The currently active job state at the level of some transaction being executed by the device (see clause 5.6.23).
jobStates list of hd:enumJobState R true The list of possible job states that the device supports (see clause 5.6.23).
progressPercentage xs:float R true pct The indication of current job progress in percentage. securityMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor a security mode.

Table DataPoints of securityMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentSecurityMode hd:enumSecurityMode RW false Current security mode (see clause 5.6.29).
securityModes list of hd:enumSecurityMode R false List of possible security modes the device supports (see clause 5.6.29). sessionDescription

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities for a sessionDescription containing a URL at which the specified media can be accessed and the definition of media using SDP.

Table DataPoints of mediaType ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
url xs:uri R true A URL at which the specified media can be accessed.
sdp xs:string R true Media description using SDP. One or more comma separated multiple SDP lines (SDP media or attribute line) can be included using SDP description syntax as defined in the SDP specification in IETF RFC4566 [16]. signalStrength

This ModuleClass provides the capability to monitor the strength of the signal.

Table DataPoints of signalStrength ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
lqi xs:integer R false pct The current value of link quality indicator, which reflects the scaling of rssi by dividing the received signal strength over reference signal strength. The common unit for lqi is percentage [0,100]. For the detailed definition, see IEEE 802.15.4 [i.4], clause 6.7.8.
rssi xs:float R true The current value of received signal strength indicator, which reflects the raw signal level.

NOTE: Need further study for this module class. slcAlarm

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to provide alarm information of street light controller.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of slcAlarm ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
overCurrentThreshold xs:float RW true A The threshold of over current.
overCurrentDuration xs:integer RW true min The duration of over current to trigger the alarm.
underCurrentThreshold xs:float RW true A The threshold of under current.
underCurrentDuration xs:integer RW true min The duration of under current to trigger the alarm.
overVoltageThreshold xs:float RW true V The threshold of over voltage.
overVoltageDuration xs:integer RW true min The duration of over voltage to trigger the alarm.
underVoltageThreshold xs:float RW true V The threshold of under voltage.
underVoltageDuration xs:integer RW true min The duration of under voltage to trigger the alarm.
overVoltagePercent xs:integer RW true pct The threshold of over current in terms of percentage. The value range is [0,100]. This is the alternative trigger of the overVoltageAlarm and should be mutually exclusive to the overVoltageThreshold.
underVoltagePercent xs:integer RW true pct The duration of under current in terms of percentage. The value range is [0,100]. This is the alternative trigger of the underVoltageAlarm and should be mutually exclusive to the underVoltageThreshold.
standardreferenceVoltage xs:float RW true V The reference voltage used as the basis of the overVoltagePercent and underVoltagePercent.
overCurrentAlarm xs:boolean R false The alarm of over current.
underCurrentAlarm xs:boolean R false The alarm of under current.
overVoltageAlarm xs:boolean R false The alarm of over voltage.
underVoltageAlarm xs:boolean R false The alarm of under voltage. slcParameterSetting

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to set service parameters.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of slcParameterSetting ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
lightCount xs:integer RW true Number of lampholders controlled by the street light controller.
timePlanStatus xs:boolean RW true "False" indicates the time plan is not used. "True" indicates the time plan is being used.
timeRangeCount xs:integer RW true The number of time ranges for the time plan.
timeRange list of xs:time RW true An array of sequential time points which define the time plan. Each time point is the start time of the next time range as well as the end of previous time range in the time plan.
timeRangeLightDimmingValue list of xs:string RW true An array containing the dimming values in different time ranges. In the case that lightCount is larger than 1, it is a 2-dimentional array describing the dimming value of each lampholder in each time range. slcReportInfo

This ModuleClass provides information of status of the street light controller.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of slcReportInfo ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
voltageFrequency xs:float R true Hz The frequency of voltage.
switchStatus xs:boolean RW false This value indicates the status of light switch. "False": off, "True": on.
onlineStatus xs:boolean R true This value indicates the communication status of light. "False": offline, "True": online.
lightVoltage xs:float R false V The voltage of the street light controller.
lightCurrent xs:float R false A The current of the street light controller.
lightDimmingValue xs:integer RW false pct The dimming value of the street light.
lightPowerFactor xs:float R false The light power factor is the ratio of active power to apparent power. Power factor is a factor that measures the efficiency of electrical equipment. The value range is [0,1].
lightActivePower xs:float R true kW Active power is the electrical power required to keep the electrical equipment running normally, that is, the electrical power that converts electrical energy into other forms of energy, such as mechanical, optical, thermal, and so on.
lightReactivePower xs:float R true kVA The reactive power is the electrical power required to establish an alternating magnetic field and induced magnetic flux.
lightApparentPower xs:float R true kVA This value indicates the apparent power that is mainly used to calculate the energy consumption of the street light.
lightPolarizationAxis xs:float R true degree The angle of the polarization axis in case street light devices support this feature.
colourTemperature xs:integer R true K The current colour temperature of the street lights.
lampTechnology xs:string R true A string that indicates the type of lamp technology that is used in the street lamps, e.g. "LED", "Tungsten", etc smokeSensor

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to indicate the detection of smoke and raising an alarm if the triggering criterion is met.

Table Actions of smokeSensor ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none muteSmokeSensor none true Mute the smoke sensor alarm.
none test none true Testing the alarm

Table DataPoints of smokeSensor ModuleClass

Name Type R-W Optional Unit Documentation
alarm xs:boolean R false The alarm is indicated as follows:
"True" indicates that smoke has been detected, "False" indicates a normal status, that means that smoke is not detected.
detectedTime m2m:timestamp RW true The date and time the smoke is detected.
smokeThreshhold xs:integer RW true ppm The threshhold to trigger the alarm.
currentValue xs:integer R true The current data value of the smoke sensor.
sensorFault xs:boolean R true "True" indicates the sensor fault status of smoke sensor. "False" indicates the sensor fault of smoke sensor has been eliminated.
lowVoltage xs:boolean R true "True" indicates the low voltage status of smoke sensor. "False" indicates the low voltage alarm of smoke sensor has been eliminated.
dismantled xs:boolean R true "True" indicates the smoke sensor is dismantled. "False" indicates the dismantled alarm of smoke sensor has been eliminated.
powerOn xs:boolean R true "True" indicates the smoke sensor is powered on. "False" is invalid. sphygmomanometer

This ModuleClass provides the capability to report the measurement of blood pressure characteristics.

Table DataPoints of sphygmomanometer ModuleClass

Name Type R-W Optional Unit Documentation
diastolicPressure xs:float R false mmHg The measurement of diastolic pressure by sphygmomanometer.
systolicPressure xs:float R false mmHg The measurement of systolic pressure by sphygmomanometer.
meanPressure xs:float R false mmHg The measurement of mean arterial pressure by sphygmomanometer. spinLevel

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control and monitor the level of spin. It is intended to be part of devices which use spinning function such as a washing machine and a dryer.

Table DataPoints of spinLevel ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
spinLevelStrength hd:enumSpinLevelStrength RW false The value of spin-dry level (see clause 5.6.30). A higher value indicates a higher spin level. steamClosetJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of steamCloset.

Table DataPoints of steamClosetJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumSteamClosetJobMode RW false Currently active job mode (see clause 5.6.31).
currentJobModeName xs:string R true Name of current job mode as a string. This can be used when "currentJobMode" is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumSteamClosetJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports (see clause 5.6.31). televisionChannel

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to set and get channels of a device that has a channel list.

Table Actions of televisionChannel ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none upChannel None true Change the current channel to the next channel in the stored list of available channels. If the current channel is the last one in the list, the new set channel may be the first one in the list.
none downChannel None true Change the current channel to the previous channel in the stored list of available channels. If the current channel is the first one in the list, the new set channel may be the last one in the list.

Table DataPoints of televisionChannel ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
channelNumber xs:integer RW false Current channel number.
availableChannels list of xs:integer R true The list of available channel numbers which may be build by automatic scan and/or manual selection.
previousChannel xs:integer R true The channel number which was selected previously.
channelName xs:string R true Current human-friendly channel name in string, for example 'CNN'. temperature

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to represent the current temperature and target temperature of devices such as an air conditioner, refrigerator, oven, etc.

Table DataPoints of temperature ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentTemperature xs:float R false The current temperature.
targetTemperature xs:float RW true The desired temperature to reach.
unit hd:enumTemperatureUnit RW true C or F or K Default values is 'C'.
minValue xs:float R true Minimum value of "targetTemperature".
maxValue xs:float R true Maximum value of "targetTemperature".
stepValue xs:float R true Step value allowed for "targetTemperature". temperatureAlarm

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to indicate the detection of abnormal temperatures and raises an alarm if the triggering criterion is met.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of temperatureAlarm ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
unit hd:enumTemperatureUnit RW true C or F or K Default value is 'C'.
temperature xs:float R true Defined in the datapoint 'unit' To report the value of the temperature.
highTemperatureAlarm xs:boolean R false High temperature alarm.
highTemperatureAlarmThreshold xs:float RW true Defined in the datapoint 'unit' The threshold of maximum temperature alarm.
lowTemperatureAlarm xs:boolean R false Low temperature alarm.
lowTemperatureAlarmThreshold xs:float RW true Defined in the datapoint 'unit' The threshold of minimum temperature alarm.
alarmTimestamp xs:datetime R true The timestamp since the alarm is active. textMessage

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to set and get a text message.

Table Actions of textMessage ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none resetTextMessage none true Reset the receiver of the message to the "defaultValue".

Table DataPoints of textMessage ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
textMessage xs:string RW false The current message value.
supportedMessageValues list of xs:string R true List of supported values for the message. Each of the values in this list shall be URL-encoded. An encoded value shall not contain white spaces.
minLength xs:integer R true The optional minimum length in characters of the message. The default is 0.
maxLength xs:integer R true The optional maximum length in characters of the message. The default is unlimited.
messageEncoding xs:string R true The optional expected method for character encoding of the message. The default is "UTF-8".
defaultValue xs:string RW true The optional default value for "textMessage". The default is an empty string. timer

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to monitor and control the times when the appliance executes its operations, that means when it starts, when it ends etc.

Table Actions of timer ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none activateClockTimer None true Activate current clock timer.
none deactivateClockTimer None true Deactivate current clock timer.

Table DataPoints of timer ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
referenceTimer xs:integer R true A timer (for example. a time-based value, App Defined Epoch, Progressive) expressed in seconds. The value indicates a time counter to be used as reference for the other time-based data points of this ModuleClass. Usually it is the time since the last event of power-on of the producer (or more in detail the time since the boot of its connectivity node).
targetTimeToStart xs:integer RW true A time span (for example a time-based value, App Defined Epoch, Fixed) expressed in seconds. The value indicates the time when the appliance is expected to start its operation, starting counting from the last "referenceTimer".
targetTimeToStop xs:integer RW true A time span (for example a time-based value, App Defined Epoch, Fixed) expressed in seconds. The value indicates the time when the appliance is expected to stop its operation, starting counting from the last "referenceTimer".
estimatedTimeToEnd xs:integer R true A timer (for example a time-based value, App Defined Epoch, Progressive) expressed in seconds. The value indicates the time to the end of an appliance's operations. It is calculated at runtime by the device itself during the execution of its operation.
runningTime xs:integer R true A timer (for example a time-based value, App Defined Epoch, Progressive) expressed in seconds. It indicates the time of the current operation. Usually its value is increasing one value per second. It starts counting from 0 when the operation starts and stops counting when the operation ends.
targetDuration xs:integer R true A time span (for a time-based value, App Defined Epoch, Fixed) expressed in seconds. The value indicates a time that represents the target duration of the operation as per user selection.
absoluteStartTime m2m:timestamp RW true An absolute time to specify the start time.
absoluteStopTime m2m:timestamp RW true An absolute time to specify the stop time. turbo

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to enable turbo mode and monitor the current status of the turbo function. It is intended to be part of devices which use turbo function such as an air conditioner, a washing machine, etc.

Table DataPoints of turbo ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
turboEnabled xs:boolean RW false The current status of the turbo mode. "True" indicates enabled, and "False" indicates not enabled. uvSensor

This ModuleClass describes the capabilities of an ultraviolet sensor.

Table DataPoints of uvSensor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
uvValue xs:float R false mW/cm2
uvStatus hd:enumUvStatus R true The "uvStatus" indicates the level of the UV radiation status (see clause 5.6.35). waterFlow

This ModuleClass provides capabilities for controlling the water strength of a device.

Table DataPoints of waterFlow ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
waterLevelStrength hd:enumWaterFlowStrength RW false The desired level of water flow (see clause 5.6.37). A higher value indicates higher water flow. waterMeterAlarm

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to provide alarm information of water meter, such as the alarm of low water flow. Once an alarm is fired, a notification should be sent out from the device and no historical alarm is stored locally, therefore no need to associate timestamp with the alarms.

Editor note: the following attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

Table DataPoints of waterMeterAlarm ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
highFlowAlarmThreshold xs:float RW false m3 The threshold of continuous high flow alarm.
highFlowDuration xs:integer RW true s The duration of high water flow.
highFlowAlarm xs:boolean R false Continuous high water flow alarm.
lowFlowAlarmThreshold xs:float RW true m3 The threshold of continuous low flow alarm.
lowFlowDuration xs:integer RW true s The duration of low water flow.
lowFlowAlarm xs:boolean R true Continuous low water flow alarm.
reverseFlowAlarmThreshold xs:float RW true m3 The threshold of continuous reverse flow alarm.
reverseFlowDuration xs:integer RW true s The duration of reverse water flow.
reverseFlowAlarm xs:boolean R false Reverse flow alarm.
highPressureAlarmThreshold xs:float RW false bar The threshold of high water pressure alarm.
highPressureAlarm xs:boolean R false High water pressure alarm.
lowPressureAlarmThreshold xs:float RW false bar The threshold of low water pressure alarm.
lowPressureAlarm xs:boolean R false Low water pressure alarm.
highTemperatureAlarmThreshold xs:float RW false C The threshold of maximum water temperature alarm.
highTemperatureAlarm xs:boolean R false High water temperature alarm.
lowTemperatureAlarmThreshold xs:float RW false C The threshold of minimum water temperature alarm.
lowTemperatureAlarm xs:boolean R false Low water temperature alarm..
highTemperatureInnerAlarmThreshold xs:float RW true C The threshold of high temperature alarm inside water meter.
innerHighInternalTemperatureAlarm xs:boolean R true Internal high temperature alarm.
innerErrorAlarm xs:boolean R true Internal error alarm.
innerTemperatureSensorFault xs:boolean R true Internal temperature sensor failure.
tamperAlarm xs:boolean R true Data was tampered alarm.
waterTemperatureSensorFault xs:boolean R false Water temperature sensor failure.
pressureSensorFault xs:boolean R true Pressure sensor failure.
communicationAlarm xs:boolean R true Communication abnormality alarm.
magneticInterference xs:boolean R true Magnetic interference warning.
storageFault xs:boolean R true Storage failure alarm.
urgencyButtonPush xs:boolean R true Indicate the event of the urgency button being pushed. Pushing the urgency button may give a user a temporary right to still use the water meter (e.g. for 3 days) after an unpaid bill.
buttonFault xs:boolean R true Button error flag.
demolitionAlarm xs:boolean R true Demolition sign.
impulseFault xs:boolean R true Pulse anomaly flag.
vibrationSensorFault xs:boolean R true Vibration sensor failure. waterMeterReportInfo

This ModuleClass provides information of measurements of the watermeter.

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Table DataPoints of waterMeterReportInfo ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
dailyUseWaterTime xs:integer R true s The total time of water consumption daily.
cumulativeFlow xs:float R false m3 The total consumption of water(since the activation of the meter).
cumulativeFlowDaily xs:float R true m3 The cumulative daily consumption of water (begins at 00:00).
positiveCumulativeFlow xs:float R true m3 The positive cumulative consumption of water daily (begins at 00:00).
negativeCumulativeFlow xs:float R true m3 The negative cumulative consumption of water daily (begins at 00:00).
peakFlowRate xs:float R true m3/h Daily maximum instantaneous water flow rate.
peakFlowRateTime m2m:timestamp R true The timestamp of the daily highest instantaneous water flow rate.
lowestFlowRate xs:float R true m3/h Daily lowest instantaneous water flow rate.
lowestFlowRateTime m2m:timestamp R true The timestamp of daily lowest instantaneous water flow rate.
peakReverseFlowRate xs:float R true m3/h Daily reverse maximum instantaneous water flow rate.
peakReverseFlowRateTime m2m:timestamp R true The timestamp of daily reverse highest instantaneous water flow rate.
lowestReverseFlowRate xs:float R true m3/h Daily reverse lowest instantaneous water flow rate.
lowestReverseFlowRateTime m2m:timestamp R true The timestamp of daily reverse lowest instantaneous water flow rate.
intervalFlow list of xs:float R true m3 Water consumption records measured at the interval of "flowInterval" described in clause per day.
reverseIntervalFlow list of xs:float R true m3 Water reverse consumption records measured at the interval of "reverseFlowInterval" described in clause per day.
waterIntervalTemperature list of xs:float R true C Water temperature records measured at the interval of "waterTemperatureInterval" described in clause per day.
waterIntervalPressure list of xs:float R true bar Water pressure records measured at the interval of "waterPressureInterval" described in clause per day. waterMeterSetting

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to set service parameters for data sampling and reporting.

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Table DataPoints of waterMeterSetting ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
flowInterval xs:integer RW false s The measurement interval of water consumption.
reverseFlowInterval xs:integer RW false s The measurement interval of reverse water consumption.
waterTemperatureInterval xs:integer RW true s The measurement interval of water temperature.
waterPressureInterval xs:integer RW true s The measurement interval of reverse water pressure.
intensiveSampleInterval xs:integer RW true s The time interval of intensive data sampling.
intensiveReportInterval xs:integer RW true s The time interval of intensive data report.
intensiveReportStartTime m2m:timestamp RW true The start time of data intensive report. waterSensor

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to indicate whether or not water has been sensed, and raising an alarm if the triggering criterion is met.

Table DataPoints of waterSensor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
alarm xs:boolean R false The detection of water.
The alarm is indicated as follows:
"True" indicates that water has been detected, "False" indicates a normal status, that means that water is not detected. waterQualityMonitor

This ModuleClass provides the information of water quality detection.

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Table DataPoints of waterQualityMonitor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
algae xs:float R true mg/L Blue-green algae
anionics xs:float R true mg/L An-ionic surfactant
aroh xs:float R true mg/L Volatile phenol (ArOH)
as xs:float R true mg/L Arsenic (As)
biotoxicity xs:float R true mg/L Biological toxicity
bod xs:float R true mg/L Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed during the biochemical reaction of biodegradable organic matter that is decomposed by microorganisms in water under certain conditions.
cod xs:float R true mg/L Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is the amount of reducing substance that needs to be oxidized in a water sample.
conductivity xs:float R true S/m Conductivity is a parameter used to describe the ease of charge flow in a substance.
cd xs:float R true mg/L Cadmium (Cd)
chlorophyll_a xs:float R true mg/L Chlorophyll a
cn xs:float R true mg/L Cyanide (CN)
cr6 xs:float R true mg/L Hexavalent chromium (Cr6)
cu xs:float R true mg/L Cuprum (Cu)
do xs:float R true mg/L Dissolved oxygen (DO). Molecular oxygen in the air dissolved in water is called dissolved oxygen
f xs:float R true mg/L Fluoride (F)
fe xs:float R true mg/L Total iron (Fe)
ftu xs:float R true mg/L Turbidity (FTU) which refers to degree of hindrance of the solution as the light passes through it.
hg xs:float R true mg/L Mercury (Hg)
kmno4 xs:float R true mg/L Permanganate index which refers to the amount of oxidant consumed in the water samples using potassium permanganate as an oxidant in an acidic or alkaline medium. (KMnO4)
nh3nh4 xs:float R true mg/L Ammonia nitrogen (NH3NH4) is the nitrogen in the form of free ammonia (NH3) and ammonium ions (NH4+) in water.
no3n xs:float R true mg/L Nitrate nitrogen (NO3N)
oil xs:float R true mg/L Petroleum pollutants
pb xs:float R true mg/L Lead (Pb)
ph xs:float R true Potential Of Hydrogen (pH)
sulfide xs:float R true mg/L Sulfide
temperature xs:float R true C Water temperature
tn xs:float R true mg/L Total nitrogen (TN) which is defined as the total amount of various forms of inorganic and organic nitrogen in water.
tp xs:float R true mg/L Total phosphorus (TP) which is the result of the conversion of various forms of phosphorus into orthophosphate after digestion of the water sample, measured in milligrams of phosphorus per litre of water sample.
zn xs:float R true mg/L Zinc (Zn) weight

This ModuleClass provides the capability to report the measurement of weight.

Table DataPoints of weight ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
weight xs:float R false kg The weight measurement.
unit hd:enumWeightUnit RW true The unit of measure for the weight values. The default is kilogram (kg). (see clause 5.6.39). anemometer

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to indicate the measure of the wind speed.

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Table DataPoints of anemometer ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
speed xs:float R false km/h The speed of the wind barometer

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to measure the atmospheric pressure and indicate the detection of abnormal pressure, and raise an alarm if a triggering criterion is met.

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Table DataPoints of barometer ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
alarm xs:boolean R true This data point indicates the status of detection of an abnormal pressure. "True" indicates an abnormal pressure, "False" indicates a normal pressure.
atmosphericPressure xs:float R false hPa To report the value of the atmospheric pressure.
minPressureThreshold xs:integer RW true hPa The min threshold to trigger the alarm.
maxPressureThreshold xs:integer RW true hPa The max threshold to trigger the alarm. rainGauge

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to measure the height of fallen rain.

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Table Actions of rainGauge ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none reset none false Empty the water container. Set the height value to 0.

Table DataPoints of rainGauge ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
height xs:integer R false mm This data point indicates the number of mm of rainfall since the last reset of the device. infraredSensor

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to indicate whether or not an object has been sensed.

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Table DataPoints of infraredSensor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
detectedValue xs:boolean R false The "detectedValue" indicates as follows:
"True" means that an object is detected, "False" means no object is detected.
detectedTime m2m:timestamp R false The time when the object was detected. disposal

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to control the status of the disposing functionality for garbage disposal.

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Table DataPoints of disposal ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
disposalStatus xs:boolean RW false The status of disposal. "True" indicates disposing, "False" indicates not disposing. waterFilterType

This ModuleClass indicates the type of the water purifier.

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Table DataPoints of waterFilterType ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
filterType hd:enumWaterFilterType R false The type of water purifier. list of Water Filter Type(see clause 5.6.41). touchScreen

This ModuleClass provides the capability to get selections of a user from the pre-defined menus on the screen as parts of a process of charging transportation payment card of the user.

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Table DataPoints of touchScreen ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
pushed xs:boolean R false This data point indicates the press of the button.
positionX xs:integer R false px This data point indicates the horizontal position of the touching. (1..N)
positionY xs:integer R false px This data point indicates the vertical position of the touching. (1..N) prePaidCardReader

The Pre-paid card reader ModuleClass provides functions to read NFC card and indicates its information.

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Table DataPoints of prePaidCardReader ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
readStatus xs:boolean R false This data point indicates the status of reading the pre-paid card.
"True" means the reader reads the pre-paid card successfully.
cardInfo xs:string R false The card information is a string
balance xs:float RW false This data point indicates the balance of the pre-paid card.
currency xs:string R true The currency is depended on the country which the card is used.
For example, the unit could be "Dollar" or "$" in US, "Euro" in EU and "Won" in Korea. billDeposit

This ModuleClass provides the capability to deposit bills, indicates the balance of the deposited bills and detects fakes.

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Table DataPoints of billDeposit ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
depositStatus xs:boolean R false This data point indicates the deposit is made successfully or not.
balance xs:float R false This data point indicates the balance of the deposited bills.
count xs:integer R false The data point indicates the number of bills which are deposited.
currency xs:string R true The currency is depended on the country which the deposited bills are used.
For example, the currency could be "Dollar" in US, "Euro" in EU and "Won" in Korea.
fakeStatus xs:boolean R false This data point indicates that the deposited bills are fake notes. billWithdrawal

This ModuleClass provides the capability to withdraw bills which are deposited by the billDeposit ModuleClass.

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Table DataPoints of billWithdrawal ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
withdrawalStatus xs:boolean R false This data point indicates the withdrawal is made successfully or not.
balance xs:float R false This data point indicates the balance of the withdrawn bills.
count xs:integer R false The data point indicates the number of bills which are withdrawn. coinDeposit

This ModuleClass provides the capability to deposit coins, indicates the balance of the deposited coins and detects fakes.

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Table DataPoints of coinDeposit ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
depositStatus xs:boolean R false This data point indicates the deposit is made successfully or not.
balance xs:float R false This data point indicates the balance of the deposited coins.
count xs:integer R false The data point indicates the number of coins which are deposited.
currency xs:string R true The currency is depended on the country that the deposited coins are used.
For example, the unit could be "Dollar" in US, "Euro" in EU and "Won" in Korea.
fakeStatus xs:boolean R false This data point indicates that the deposited coins are fake. cashDispenser

This ModuleClass provides the capability to withdraw designated amount of cash or returns all the deposited bills and coins by the billDeposit ModuleClass and coinDeposit ModuleClass.

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Table DataPoints of cashDispenser ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
dispenseStatus xs:boolean R false This data point indicates the dispense is successful or not.
balance xs:float R false This data point indicates the balance of the dispensed bills and coins.
count xs:integer R false The data point indicates the number of bills and coins which are dispensed.
currency xs:string R true The currency is depended on the country that the dispensed bills and coins are used.
For example, the unit could be "Dollar" in US, "Euro" in EU and "Won" in Korea. cardScanner

This ModuleClass provides the capability to scan an image of a card, gets the card information from the image and provides the information.

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Table DataPoints of cardScanner ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
scanStatus xs:boolean R false This data point indicates the scanning process is successful.
cardInfo xs:string R false The card information is a string value. headingSensor

This ModuleClass provides the capabilities to indicate the heading (e.g. status of get-in and get-out) of a pedestrian or a vehicle which crossing a control point (e.g. entrance and gate).

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Table DataPoints of headingSensor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
heading xs:float RW false degree The azimuth of a device measured in degrees to true north. North is 0,0 degrees, east is 90,0 degrees, south is 1800 degrees, west is 270,0 degrees. A negative value indicates an unknown heading.
headingAccuracy xs:float R true degree The optional current maximum deviation between the heading and the true geomagnetic heading. signalPanel

This ModuleClass displays a signal (e.g. direction arrow) to indicate a gate is permitted to get-in or get-out on a panel.

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Table DataPoints of signalPanel ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
signal xs:boolean RW false The signal is true, the panel indicates go forward signal or icon. If the signal is false, the panel displays stop signal or icon. crossingBarrier

An active barrier is used to block a pedestrian or vehicle from a control point (e.g. entrance and gate).

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Table DataPoints of crossingBarrier ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
barrierDefault xs:boolean RW true The value of the barrier default is true, the default status of the barrier is closed and vice versa.
barrierStatus xs:boolean RW false The value of the barrier status is true, the barrier is closed and vice versa.
timer xs:time RW true The timer indicates the duration of barrierStatus is changed. This means that barrierStatus is set to the current value of barrierDefault. threeDDisplay

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to give the information of a 3D display.

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Table DataPoints of threeDDisplay ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
threeDDisplayType hd:enum3DDisplayType R false The type of 3D display technology (see clause 5.6.52)
threeDDisplayViewAngle xs:integer R true degree This data point indicates viewing angle of the 3D display (1..360)
threeDDisplayResolutionX xs:integer R true px This data point indicates resolution of X-axis of the 3D display.
threeDDisplayResolutionY xs:integer R true px This data point indicates resolution of Y-axis of the 3D display.
threeDGlasses xs:boolean R true This data point indicates the 3D display uses 3D glasses (True) or not. threeDScanner

This ModuleClass provides the capability to scanning 3D object for the user.

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Table DataPoints of threeDScanner ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
threeDScannerType hd:enum3DScannerType R false This data point indicates type of the 3D scanner (see clause 5.6.53)
threeDScanResolution xs:integer R false dpi This data point indicates the scanning resolution.
maxSizeX xs:float R true cm This data point indicates the maximum horizontal size of the scanning.
maxSizeY xs:float R true cm This data point indicates the maximum vertical size of the scanning.
maxSizeZ xs:float R true cm This data point indicates the maximum depth of the scanning. blender

This ModuleClass is for controlling a blender, for example in a juicer.

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Table DataPoints of blender ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
useBlender xs:boolean RW false The current status of the blender enablement. "True" indicates enabled, and "False" indicates disabled.
spinSpeed hd:enumSpinLevelStrength RW true Choose the right spin speed according to the hardness of the object (eg.fruits and vegetables) (see clause 5.6.30) shoesWasherJobMode

This ModuleClasses provides capabilities to control and monitor the job modes of a shoesWasher.

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Table DataPoints: DataPoints of shoesWasherJobMode ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
currentJobMode hd:enumShoesWasherJobMode RW false The currently active job mode. (see clause 5.6.54)
currentJobModeName xs:string R true The name of the current job mode as a string. This can be used when the currentJobMode is vendor-specific.
jobModes list of hd:enumShoesWasherJobMode R false List of possible job states the device supports (see clause 5.6.54)

5.3.2 City Domain

For further studies.

5.3.3 Health Domain

For further studies.

5.3.4 Home Domain

For further studies.

5.3.5 Industry Domain

For further studies.

5.3.6 Vehicular Domain

For further studies.

5.3.7 Agriculture Domain cowActivityMonitor

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to measure activity data in terms of step count. The data sampling rate is every hour by default.

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Table DataPoints of cowActivityMonitor ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
stepsPerPeriod list of xs:integer R false Counted steps per hour during each report period. The value is updated every report period. The length of the report period can be configured by the periodicalReportConfig ModuleClass. If not configured, the default length of the period is 1 hour.
If the report period is longer than 1 hour, this data point may contain multiple data samples (one for each hour) during last period. The report period should always be set to longer than 1 hour which is the data sampling period. The start time of the data sampling and report period is implementation specific, e.g. the power-on time.
updateTime xs:datetime R true A timestamp that indicates the update time of the stepsPerPeriod data point.
historyStepCounts list of xs:integer R false The list of stepCounts per hour during the last 24 hours (in total 24 data samples).

5.3.8 Railway Domain baliseTransmissionModule

A balise is an electronic beacon or transponder placed between the rails of a railway as part of an Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system.

The Balise Transmission Module(BTM) ModuleClasses provides capabilities to indicate and to get balise information.

Table DataPoints of baliseTransmissionModule ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
baliseSystemId hd:enumBaliseSystemIndicator R true Get the hd:enumBaliseSystemIndicator (see clause 5.6.38).
telegramMessage xs:string R true The telegramMessage is system-specific.

5.3.9 Metadata Domain features

This ModuleClass provides metadata information on the parent device.

Table DataPoints of features ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
metadata list of xs:string RW true Free metadata information.
precision xs:integer R true pct Approximated precision of the device data.
reliability xs:integer R true pct Approximated reliability of the device data.
weight xs:float R true g The weight of the device.
size list of xs:float R true cm The size of the device [length, width, height]. location

This ModuleClass provides information on the location of the parent device.

Table DataPoints of location ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
postalAddress xs:string RW true Postal address
geoJSON xs:string R true Coordinates in GeoJSON format
friendlyLocation xs:string RW true Friendly location (e.g. 'kitchen')
room xs:string RW true Room ID in a building (e.g. 'A101') localization

This ModuleClass provides capabilities for localizing friendly names.

Table DataPoints of localization ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
locale xs:string R false Code in ISO 639-1
friendlyName xs:string RW true Friendly name for the parent device, in the given locale.
description xs:string RW true Friendly description for the parent device, in the given locale.
friendlyLocation xs:string RW true Friendly location, in the given locale (e.g. 'cuisine' for locale 'fr'). origin

This ModuleClass provides information on the origin of the parent device data.

Table DataPoints of origin ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
originID xs:string R true ID of the original data
dataType xs:string R true Data type of the original data
dataSourceID xs:string R true ID of the data source that created the original data

5.3.10 Public Safety Domain Disseminator

This ModuleClass provides the capability of creating oneM2M based information from CAP based information received from oneM2M SP Gateway (ASN) and of controlling the change of received public warning messages such as updating oneM2M based information and canceling the dissemination of oneM2M based information.

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Table Actions of disseminator ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
cancel warningIdentifier: xs:string true cancel previously requested warning

Table DataPoints of disseminator ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
identifier xs:string RW false The identifier of the warning message that uniquely identifying this message.
sender xs:string RW false The identifier of the originator of this alert message.
sent xs:dateTime RW false The time and date of the origination of this alert message.
status hd:enumAlertStatus RW false The code to represent the appropriate handling of the alert message receiver. The value of this DataPoint is specified the CAP 1.2 specification [22]
(see clause 5.6.55).
msgType hd:enumAlertMsgType RW false The code to represent the nature of the alert message. The value of this DataPoint is specified the CAP 1.2 specification [22] (see clause 5.6.56).
references list of xs:string RW true The list of identifiers for earlier message(s) referenced by this alert message.
urgency hd:enumUrgency RW false The code representing the urgency of the subject event of the alert message (see clause 5.6.57).
severity hd:enumSeverity RW false The code representing the severity of the subject event of the alert message (see clause 5.6.59).
certainty hd:enumCertainty RW false The code representing the certainty of the subject event of the alert message (see clause 5.6.59).
eventCodes list of xs:string RW false The definitions of system-specific codes identifying the event type of the alert message. A code definition consists of valueName and value pair separated by colon.
effective xs:dateTime RW true The effective time of the information of the alert message.
onset xs:dateTime RW true The expected time of the beginning of the subject event of the alert message.
expires xs:dateTime RW true The expiry time of the information of the alert message.
areaLatitude xs:float RW true degrees The latitude of the affected area location.
areaLongitude xs:float RW true degrees The longitude of the affected area location.
areaRadius xs:float RW true metres The radius of the affected area location.
repetitionPeriod xs:integer RW false seconds This specifies the repetition period for the warning message. The value of this DataPoint indicates the period of time in seconds after which re-send of the warning message should be repeated.
repetitionCount xs:integer RW false This specifies the number of times the warning message is to be sent. emergencyHandler

This ModuleClass provides the capability of triggering things to change into an emergency mode and of enabling things to identify whether an event described in oneM2M based information that is received from Public Warning Center (MN) is relevant to things. If any change happens in received warning messages such as updating oneM2M based information and cancelling the dissemination of oneM2M based information of previously received public warning messages, this ModuleClass updates oneM2M based information corresponding to those received public warning messages to control behaviour of things.

Table DataPoints of emergencyHandler ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
emergencyMode xs:boolean RW false This specifies the emergency mode of target device. "True" means the device is working in emergency mode. "False" means the device is working in normal model
identifier xs:string RW false The identifier of the warning message that uniquely identifying this message.
sender xs:string RW false The identifier of the originator of this alert message.
sent xs:dateTime RW false The time and date of the origination of this alert message.
status hd:enumAlertStatus RW false The code to represent the appropriate handling of the alert message receiver. The value of this DataPoint is specified by the CAP 1.2 specification [22] (see clause 5.6.55).
msgType hd:enumAlertMsgType RW false The code to represent the nature of the alert message. The value of this DataPoint is specified the CAP 1.2 specification [22] (see clause 5.6.56).
references list of xs:string RW false The list of identifiers for earlier message(s) referenced by this alert message.
urgency hd:enumUrgency RW false The code representing the urgency of the subject event of the alert message (see clause 5.6.57).
severity hd:enumSeverity RW false The code representing the severity of the subject event of the alert message (see clause 5.6.5).
certainty hd:enumCertainty RW false The code representing the certainty of the subject event of the alert message (see clause 5.6.59).
eventCodes list of xs:string RW false The definitions of system-specific codes identifying the event type of the alert message. A code definition consists of valueName and value pair separated by colon.
effective xs:dateTime RW true The effective time of the information of the alert message.
onset xs:dateTime RW true The expected time of the beginning of the subject event of the alert message.
expires xs:dateTime RW true The expiry time of the information of the alert message.
areaLatitude xs:float RW true deg The latitude of the affected area location.
areaLongitude xs:float RW true deg The longitude of the affected area location.
areaRadius xs:float RW true m The radius of the affected area location. settings

This ModuleClass provides the capability of selecting the option that allows things to decide to take action as receiving oneM2M based information of public warning messages.

Table DataPoints of settings ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Documentation
optoutStatus xs:boolean RW false This specifies the opt-out state for the device. The value of this DataPoint specifies opt-out state. True means that this device does not want to response when a warning has been triggered.

NOTE: Opt-out refers to 3GPP TS 22.268 [i.14] Public Warning System (PWS) requirements specification.