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5.6 Enumeration type definitions

5.6.0 Introduction

All enumeration types are defined in the same domain, Horizontal Domain, prefix 'hd'.

5.6.1 hd:enum3DprinterTechnology

Used for the "printType" data point of the "threeDprinter" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.11: Interpretation of hd:enum3DprinterTechnology

Value Interpretation Note
1 Fused Filament Fabrication FFF
2 Fused Deposition Modelling FDM
3 Digital Light Processing DLP
4 Powder Bed & inkjet head 3D Printing PBP
5 Photopolymer Jetting Technology PolyJet
6 Laminated Object Manufacturing LOM
7 Stereolithography Apparatus SLA
8 Selective Laser Sintering SLS

NOTE: See clause " "threeDprinter".

5.6.2 hd:enumAdfState

Used for the "currentAdfState" and "adfStates" data points of the "autoDocumentFeeder" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.21: Interpretation of hd:enumAdfState

Value Interpretation Note
1 processing
2 empty
3 jam
4 loaded
5 mispick The product did not pick up the paper in the document feeder.
6 hatchOpen The product hatch is open.
7 duplexPageTooShort
8 duplexPageTooLong
9 multipickDetected
10 inputTrayFailed
11 inputTrayOverloaded

NOTE: See clause autoDocumentFeeder. Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.3 hd:enumAirConJobMode

Used for the "currentJobMode" and "jobModes" data point of the "airConJobMode" ModuleClass.

Editor note: The notes below refer to the deviceAirConditioner, but are actually for attributes of the ModuleClass

Table 5.6.31: Interpretation of hd:enumAirConJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 cool This value is for deviceAirConditioner and indicates cool mode.
2 airDry This value is for deviceAirConditioner and indicates air dry mode.
3 fan This value is for deviceAirConditioner and indicates fan mode.
4 AI This value is for deviceAirConditioner and indicates artificial intelligence mode.
5 heat This value is for deviceAirConditioner and indicates heat mode.
6 airClean This value is for deviceAirConditioner and indicates air clean mode.
7 ACO This value is for deviceAirConditioner and indicates Auto Change Over mode.
8 aroma This value is for deviceAirConditioner and indicates aroma mode.

NOTE: See clause airConJobMode. Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.4 hd:enumAirPurifierJobMode

Used for the "currentJobMode" and "jobModes" data points of the "airPurifierJobMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.41: Interpretation of hd:enumAirPurifierJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 normalClean This indicates the normal mode that operates the basic function.
2 sleep This indicates the sleep mode that turns the operating function off at the time set by a timer.
3 silent This indicates the silent mode that generates low noise
4 wet This indicates the wet mode that passes the air that's already filtered through water filter once again to provide the humidification effect
5 circulate This indicates the circulate mode that circulates the purified air by rotating the fan on top of the air purifier
6 dual This indicates the dual mode that operates both the upper and lower parts of the air purifier
7 auto This indicates the auto mode that first measures the pollution level (e.g., good, normal, bad, very bad) and then, triggers appropriate modes based on the measured level. In case of bad and very bad condition, the rotating fan on the upper side starts its operation

NOTE: See clause airPurifierJobMode. Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.5 hd:enumAlertColourCode

Used for the "light" data point of the "alarmSpeaker" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.51: Interpretation of hd:enumAlertColourCode

Value Interpretation Note
1 red This colour indicates the alarm status.
2 green This colour indicates the alarm has been cleared.

NOTE: See clause alarmSpeaker.

5.6.6 hd:enumCallState

Used for the "callState" data point in the "phoneCall" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.61: Interpretation of hd:enumCallState

Value Interpretation Note
1 hangup
2 calling
3 ringing
4 busy
5 answered
6 noline
7 voicemail
8 redirected

NOTE: See clause "phoneCall".

5.6.7 hd:enumClothesDryerJobMode

Used for the "currentJobMode" and "jobModes" data points of the "clothesDryerJobMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.71: Interpretation of hd:enumClothesDryerJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 normal Normal cycle.
2 quickDry About half the length of a normal cycle, this setting uses high heat to dry a few items.
3 permanentPress Slow drying with low heat helps wrinkle-free garments live up to their name and keeps the hard creases out of things one typically irons.
4 heavyDuty Tumbling for an extended period with high heat for sturdy items (towels, sweats, jeans).
5 delicates A short, low-heat cycle for delicates and other items such as spandex workout gear, which loses its stretch when too much heat is used.
6 airDry A cool-air setting for items that can't take any heat, such as plastic tablecloths and rubber-backed rugs.
7 extendedTumble Periodically tumbles clothes without heats for a preset amount of time after they're dry to prevent wrinkles.

NOTE: See clause “clothesDryerJobMode”. Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.8 hd:enumClothesWasherDryerJobMode

Used for "currentJobModes" and "jobModes" data points of "clothesWasherDryerJobMode" ModuleClass. Manufacturers can define their own courses by setting this value to negative values.

Table 5.6.81: Interpretation of hd:enumClothesWasherDryerJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 normal
2 quick
3 auto
4 delicates
5 heavy duty

NOTE: See clause "clothesWasherDryerJobMode". Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.9 hd:enumClothesWasherJobMode

Used for the "currentJobModes" and "jobModes " data points of the "clothesWasherJobMode" ModuleClass. Washing options such as water temperature and spin speed are decided to pre-set values upon selected washing course. Manufacturers can define their own courses by setting this value to negative values.

Table 5.6.91: Interpretation of hd:enumClothesWasherJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 normal
2 smallLoad
3 delicate
4 comforter
5 expressWash
6 cleanWash
7 kidsWear
8 workoutWears

NOTE: See clause "clothesWasherJobMode". Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.10 hd:enumCookerHoodJobMode

Used for the "currentJobMode" and "jobModes" DataPoints of the "cookerHoodJobMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.101: Interpretation of hd:enumCookerHoodJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 Always-on This value indicates the always-on mode which keeps running the fan for ventilation.
2 Intensive This value indicates the intensive mode used when a large volume of cooking fume is being produced.
3 Sensor This value indicates the sensor mode which changes fan speed depend on the volume and heat of cooking fume.

NOTE: See clause "cookerHoodJobMode". Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.11 hd:enumDehumidifierJobMode

Used for "currentJobMode" and "jobModes" data points of the "dehumidifierJobMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.111: Interpretation of hd:enumDehumidifierJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 smart This value indicates the smart mode that first gets the target humidity level from user input, next detects the correct relative humidity, then automatically change the dehumidity level to keep the target humidity level.
2 fast This value indicates the fast mode that speeds the operating level up to quickly dehumidify when the humidity level is so high. It is a kind of turbo mode.
3 silent This value indicates the silent mode that can be used when a user sleeps. It reduces the noise.
4 focus This value indicates the focus mode that dehumidifies focusing on a particular part.
5 clothes This value indicates the clothes mode that dehumidifies adjusting the wind direction vertically. It is normally used to dehumidify clothes.

NOTE: See clause "dehumidifierJobMode". Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.12 hd:enumDishWasherJobMode

Used for the "currentJobMode" and "jobModes" DataPoints of the "dishWasherJobMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.121: Interpretation of hd:enumDishWasherJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 Normal wash
2 Intensive wash
3 Quick wash
4 Sensor wash
5 Eco wash
6 Quiet wash
7 Maintenance wash

NOTE: See clause "dishWasherJobMode". Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.13 hd:enumDisplayOrder

Used for the "displayOrder" data point of the "galleryMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.13-1: Interpretation of hd:enumDisplayOrder

Value Interpretation Note
1 fixed
2 sequence
3 loop
4 random

5.6.14 hd:enumDisplayOrientation

Used for the "displayOrientation" data point of the "galleryMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.14-1: Interpretation of hd:enumDisplayOrientation

Value Interpretation Note
1 landscape
2 portrait

5.6.15 hd:enumDoorState

Used for the "doorState" DataPoint of "doorStatus" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.151: Interpretation of hd:enumDoorState

Value Interpretation Note
1 closed This indicates that door is closed.
2 open This indicates that the door is open.
3 opening This indicates that the door is opening.
4 closing This indicates that the door is closing.
5 stopped This indicates that the door is in stationary state.

NOTE: See clause "doorStatus".

5.6.16 hd:enumFoamStrength

Used for data points indicating the strength of a foam, for example, foaming milk from a coffee machine.

Table 5.6.161: Interpretation of hd:enumFoamStrength

Value Interpretation Note
1 zero
2 low
3 medium
4 high
5 maximum

NOTE: See clause "foaming".

5.6.17 hd:enumGeneralLevel

Used for the "soilLevel" data point of the "clothesWasherJobModeOption" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.171: Interpretation of hd:enumGeneralLevel

Value Interpretation Note
1 light
2 normal
3 heavy

NOTE: See clause clothesWasherJobModeOption.

5.6.18 hd:enumGeneralSpeed

Used for the "spinSpeed" data point of the "clothesWasherJobModeOption" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.181: Interpretation of hd:enumGeneralSpeed

Value Interpretation Note
1 low
2 medium
3 high
4 extraHigh

NOTE: See clause clothesWasherJobModeOption.

5.6.19 hd:enumGeneralTemperature

Used for the "washTemp" data point of the "clothesWasherJobModeOption" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.191: Interpretation of hd:enumGeneralTemperature

Value Interpretation Note
1 cold The actual temperature is defined by the manufacturer.
2 warm
3 hot

NOTE: See clause clothesWasherJobModeOption.

5.6.20 hd:enumGrainsLevel

Used for the "grainsRemaining" data point of the "grinder" ModuleClass. This type specifies a level for supplies that have a grain-aspect, for example the level of remaining coffee beans in the grinder part of a coffee machine, or the desired level of coffee beans in this machine.

The values for the level of a liquid is covered by "hd:enumLiquidLevel" (see clause 5.6.24).

Table 5.6.201: Interpretation of hd:enumGrainsLevel

Value Interpretation Note
1 zero
2 low
3 medium
4 high
5 maximum

NOTE: See clause "grinder".

5.6.21 hd:enumGrindCoarseness

Used for the coarseness data points of the "grinder" ModuleClass. This type specifies the level of coarseness of a solid after grinding, for example grinded coffee beans.

Table 5.6.211: Interpretation of hd:enumGrindCoarseness

Value Interpretation Note
1 ultrafine
2 fine
3 medium
4 coarse
5 coarsest

NOTE: See clause "grinder".

5.6.22 hd:enumHorizontalDirection

Used for the "horizontalDirection" and "supportedHorizontalDirection" of the "airFlow" ModuleClass, indicating horizontal directions.

Table 5.6.221: Interpretation of hd:enumHorizontalDirection

Value Interpretation Note
1 auto
2 center
3 left
4 right

NOTE: See clause airFlow.

5.6.23 hd:enumJobState

Used for the "currentJobState" and "jobStates" data points of the "printQueue" and "runState" ModuleClasses.

Table 5.6.231: Interpretation of hd:enumJobState

Value Interpretation Note
1 aborted
2 cancelled
3 completed
4 paused
5 pending
6 processing

NOTE: See clause "printQueue" and "runState".

5.6.24 hd:enumLiquidLevel

Used for the "liquidLevel" and "liquidRemaining" data points in the respective "liquidLevel" and "liquidRemaining" ModuleClasses.

Table 5.6.241: Interpretation of hd:LiquidLevel

Value Interpretation Note
1 zero
2 low
3 medium
4 high
5 maximum

NOTE: See clause "liquidLevel" and clause "liquidRemaining".

5.6.25 hd:enumMachineState

Used for the "currentMachineState" and "machineStates" data points of the "runState" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.251: Interpretation of hd:enumMachineState

Value Interpretation Note
1 idle Machine is ready to operate
2 preActive Machine is operating its pre-functions (ex. pre-heat)
3 active Machine is operating its functions
4 reserved Reservation is made by user
5 stopped Operation is stopped/aborted by some other reasons
6 error Error has occurred
7 diagnostic Machine reports diagnostic information to the server
8 test Particular functions run for test
9 maintenance Machine is needed to maintain
10 clear The result is not removed yet
11 charging Machine is being charged

NOTE: See clause "runState".

5.6.26 hd:enumOzoneStatus

Used for the "ozoneStatus" property of the "ozoneMeter" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.261: Interpretation of hd:enumOzoneStatus

Value Interpretation Note
1 Good For example, 0 to 0.030 ppm.
2 Normal For example, 0.031 to 0.090 ppm.
3 Bad For example, 0.091 to 0.150ppm.
4 Very bad For example, 0.151 ppm or above.

NOTE: See clause "ozoneMeter".

The examples in the notes are references from the Korean Environmental Standard [i.7].

5.6.27 hd:enumPlayerMode

Used for the "currentMode" and "supportedModes" data points in the "playerControl" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.271: Interpretation of hd:enumPlayerMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 stop
2 play
3 pause
4 resume
5 record
6 rewind
7 fast-rewind
8 forward
9 fast-forward
10 searchPrevious
11 searchNext

NOTE: See clause "playerControl".

5.6.28 hd:enumRobotCleanerJobMode

Used for the "currentJobMode" and "jobModes" data points of the "robotCleanerJobMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.281: Interpretation of hd:enumRobotCleanerJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 zigzag The machine moves forward by going at an angle first to one side then to the other.
2 sectorBase The machine first cleans a specific sector (for example, 1 x 1 m), then moves to another sector.
3 spot The machine cleans a targeted area of about specific spot.

NOTE: See clause "robotCleanerJobMode". Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.29 hd:enumSecurityMode

Used for the "currentSecurityMode" and "securityModes" data points of the "securityMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.291: Interpretation of hd:enumSecurityMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 active Unit is active
2 armedAway Unit is armed for away
3 armedInstant Unit is armed instantly
4 armedMaximum Unit is armed at maximum level
5 armedNightStay Unit is armed in night stay
6 armedStay Unit is armed in stay mode

NOTE: See clause "securityMode".

5.6.30 hd:enumSpinLevelStrength

Used for the "spinLevelStrength" data points of the "spinLevel" ModuleClass, and used for the "spinSpeed" data points of the "blender" ModuleClass, indicating the strength of a spinLevel.

Table 5.6.301: Interpretation of hd:enumSpinLevelStrength

Value Interpretation Note
1 zero
2 sensitive
3 weak
4 medium
5 strong
6 maximum

NOTE: See clause "spinLevel" and clause "blender".

5.6.31 hd:enumSteamClosetJobMode

Used for "currentJobMode" and "jobModes" data points of the "steamClosetJobMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.311: Interpretation of hd:enumSteamClosetJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 reduceOdor Using pure water, the machine help remove the smells on clothes.
2 steamWrinkle The machine steams away wrinkles and also creates pant creases, as well as keep them crisp.
3 helpClean Using pure water without chemical additives, the machine sanitizes fabrics and items that are difficult to wash.
4 gentleDry The machine dries fragile garments without worrying about shrinkage or damage.

NOTE: See clause "steamClosetJobMode". Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.32 hd:enumSupportedMediaSources

Used for the "supportedMediaSources" data point of the "mediaSelect" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.321: Interpretation of hd:enumSupportedMediaSources

Value Interpretation Note
1 tuner
2 component
3 composite
4 svideo
5 rgb
6 dvi
7 hdmi
8 displayPort
9 scart
10 externalStorage
11 network

NOTE: See clause "mediaSelect". Negative values are reserved for vender specific sources.

5.6.33 hd:enumTasteStrength

Used for the "strength" data point of the "brewing" ModuleClass, indicating strength of a drink taste, for example coffee strength.

Table 5.6.331: Interpretation of hd:enumTasteStrength

Value Interpretation Note
1 zero
2 sensitive
3 medium
4 strong
5 maximum

NOTE: See clause "brewing".

5.6.34 hd:enumTone

Used for the "tone" data point of the "alarmSpeaker" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.341: Interpretation of hd:enumTone

Value Interpretation Note
1 fire
2 theft
3 emergency
4 doorbell
5 deviceFail

NOTE: See clause alarmSpeaker.

5.6.35 hd:enumUvStatus

Used for the "uvStatus" data point of the "uvSensor" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.351: Interpretation of hd:enumUvStatus

Value Interpretation Note
1 Good
2 Normal
3 Bad
4 Very Bad
5 Danger

NOTE: See clause "uvSensor".

5.6.36 hd:enumVerticalDirection

Used for the "verticalDirection" and "supportedVerticalDirection" data points of the "airFlow" ModuleClass, indicating vertical direction.

Table 5.6.361: Interpretation of hd:enumVerticalDirection

Value Interpretation Note
1 auto
2 center
3 up
4 down

NOTE: See clause airFlow.

5.6.37 hd:enumWaterFlowStrength

Used for the "waterLevelStrength" data point of the "waterFlow" ModuleClass, indicating the strength of a waterflow.

Table 5.6.371: Interpretation of hd:enumWaterFlowStrength

Value Interpretation Note
1 zero
2 sensitive
3 weak
4 medium
5 strong
6 maximum

NOTE: See clause "waterFlow".

5.6.38 hd:enumBaliseSystemIndicator

Used for the "baliseTransmissionModule" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.381: Interpretation of hd:enumBaliseSystemIndicator

Value Interpretation Note
1 ATC Korea [i.9]
2 ATP Korea [i.9]
3 CTCS-3 China [i.10]

NOTE: The Note shows countries which are using a balise system which is indicated on left-hand side.

5.6.39 hd:enumWeightUnit

Used for the "unit" data point related to all ModuleClass which contains weight, indicating the units of the weight.

Table 5.6.391: Interpretation of hd:enumWeight

Value Interpretation Note
1 kg kilogram
2 lb pound
3 oz ounce

NOTE: See clause "weight".

5.6.40 hd:enumTemperatureUnit

Used for the "unit" data point related to "temperature" and "temperatureAlarm" ModuleClasses which contains temperature, indicating the units of the temperature.

Table 5.6.401: Interpretation of hd:enumTemperatureUnit

Value Interpretation Note
1 C Celsius
2 F Fahrenheit
3 K Kelvin

NOTE: See clause "temperature" and clause "temperatureAlarm".

5.6.41 hd:enumWaterFilterType

Used for the "filterType" data point of the "waterFilterType" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.411: Interpretation of hd:enumWaterFilterType

Value Interpretation Note
1 RO This value indicates the Revers Osmosis type water filter.
2 UV This value indicates the Ultraviolet type water filter.
3 UF This value indicates the UltraFiltration type water filter.
4 AC This value indicates the Activate Carbon type water filter.
5 SF This value indicates the Sediment type water filter.

NOTE: See clause "waterFilterType".

5.6.42 hd:enumDataModelType

Used for the "dataModelType" DataPoint of the "dmDataModelIO" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.42-1 Interpretation of hd:enumDataModelType

Value Interpretation Note
1 unknown To be used for a proprietary/unknown protocol
2 OMA_DM_1.3
3 OMA_DM_2.0
5 BBF_TR-181_CWMP Version of TR-181 [i.12] for TR-069 [i.11].
6 BBF_TR-181_USP Version of TR-181 [i.12] for USP
7 oneM2M For native oneM2M devices

5.6.43 hd:enumDmAgentState

Used for the "state" DataPoint of the "dmAgent" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.43-1 Interpretation of hd:enumDmAgentState

Value Interpretation Note
1 ready The device is ready for DM operations
2 error The device is known to be in an error state
3 sleeping The device is known to be in sleeping mode
4 unreachable The device is not accessible

5.6.44 hd:enumFirmwareState

Used for the "state" DataPoint of the "dmFirmware" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.44-1 Interpretation of hd:enumFirmwareState

Value Interpretation Note
1 Active The firmware is currently active
2 Ready The firmware is ready for installation/activation
3 Downloading The firmware is being downloaded
4 Installing The firmware in being installed
5 Failure The firmware installation/download has failed
6 Archival The firmware is an archival record that cannot be reactivated.

5.6.45 hd:enumPowerState

Used for the "powerStatus" DataPoint of the "dmAgent" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.45-1 Interpretation of hd:enumPowerState

Value Interpretation Note
1 normal
2 charging
3 chargingComplete
4 degraded
5 low
6 critical
7 notInstalled

5.6.46 hd:enumRebootType

Used for the "rebootType" argument of the "reboot" action of the "dmAgent" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.46-1 Interpretation of hd:enumRebootType

Value Interpretation Note
1 reboot
2 rebootWhenReady Reboot needed when the device is available for it
3 factoryReset "hard" reset
4 softReset

5.6.47 hd:enumSoftwareState

Used for the "state" data point of the "dmSoftware" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.47-1 Interpretation of hd:enumSoftwareState

Value Interpretation Note
1 Inactive
2 Activating
3 Active
4 Deactivating

5.6.48 hd:enumPackageState

Used for the "state" data point of the "dmPackage" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.48-1 Interpretation of hd:enumPackageState

Value Interpretation Note
1 NotInstalled
2 Downloaded
3 Installed
4 Downloading
5 Installing
6 Uninstalling

5.6.49 hd:enumPackageType

Used for the "type" data point of the "dmPackage" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.49-1 Interpretation of hd:enumPackageType

Value Interpretation Note
1 SoftwareModule Software module image (executable)
2 SoftwareLibrary Software library file
3 WebContent Web document
4 ConfigFile Configuration file
5 VendorFile Vendor-specific document
6 Undefined

5.6.50 hd:enumBatteryMaterial

Used for the "batteryMaterial" DataPoint of the "battery" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.50-1 Interpretation of hd:enumBatteryMaterial

Value Interpretation Note
1 Alkaline_battery Primary cells or non-rechargeables
2 Lithium_battery Primary cells or non-rechargeables
3 Magnesium_battery Primary cells or non-rechargeables
4 Mercury_battery Primary cells or non-rechargeables
5 Nickel_oxyhydroxide_battery Primary cells or non-rechargeables
6 Silver_oxide_battery Primary cells or non-rechargeables
7 Zinc_air Primary cells or non-rechargeables
8 Lead_acid_battery Secondary cells or rechargeables
9 Lithium_ion_battery Li-ion, Secondary cells or rechargeables
10 Lithium_ion_polymer_battery LiPo, Secondary cells or rechargeables
11 Nickel_cadmium_battery Ni-Cd , Secondary cells or rechargeables
12 Nickel_iron_battery Secondary cells or rechargeables
13 Nickel_metal_hydride_battery NiMH, Secondary cells or rechargeables
14 Nickel_zinc_battery Secondary cells or rechargeables
15 Rechargeable_alkaline_battery Secondary cells or rechargeables

5.6.51 hd:enumBatteryShape

Used for the "batteryShape" DataPoint of the "battery" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.51-1 Interpretation of hd:enumBatteryShape

Value Interpretation Note
1 AA Cylinder-type AA battery
2 AAA Cylinder-type AAA battery
3 AAAA Cylinder-type AAAA battery
4 C Cylinder-type C battery
5 D Cylinder-type D battery
6 N Cylinder-type N battery
e A23 Cylinder-type A23 battery
8 Coin_cell_4 Coin-cell type 4,8 mm diameter battery
9 Coin_cell_5 Coin-cell type 5,8 mm diameter battery
10 Coin_cell_6 Coin-cell type 6,8 mm diameter battery
11 Coin_cell_7 Coin-cell type 7,9 mm diameter battery
12 Coin_cell_9 Coin-cell type 9,5 mm diameter battery
13 Coin_cell_10 Coin-cell type 10,0 mm diameter battery
14 Coin_cell_11 Coin-cell type 11,6 mm diameter battery
15 Coin_cell_12 Coin-cell type 12,5 mm diameter battery
16 Coin_cell_16 Coin-cell type 16,0 mm diameter battery
17 Coin_cell_20 Coin-cell type 20,0 mm diameter battery
18 Coin_cell_23 Coin-cell type 23,0 mm diameter battery
19 Coin_cell_24 Coin-cell type 24,5 mm diameter battery
20 Coin_cell_44 Coin-cell type 5,4 mm diameter battery
21 Box_9V Box type 9V battery
22 Silver_Flat_Pack Flat Box Pack type
23 Car_battery Box type 6-cell lead car battery
24 Custom_made Custom-made by manufacturer

5.6.52 hd:enum3DDisplayType

Used for the "threeDDisplayType" DataPoint of the "threeDDisplay" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.52-1 Interpretation of hd:enum3DDisplayType

Value Interpretation Note
1 Stereoscopic_Display Use "binocular disparity" method to implement 3D display. The technology uses 3D glasses to make the binocular disparity.
2 Light_Field_Display The technology build barriers or lenticular lens on a RGB panel to make binocular disparity effect. It does not need 3D glasses.
3 Volumetric_Display The technology uses the interference ray as the light source. The 3D image is formed as a set of pixels that the pixels are generated as a bright point in the position of constructive interference is made. This technology does not need 3D glasses.

5.6.53 hd:enum3DScannerType

Used for the "threeDScannerType" DataPoint of the "threeDScanner" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.53-1 Interpretation of hd:enum3DScannerType

Value Interpretation Note
1 TOF Use "Time Of Flight" method to scan 3D object. The technology calculates time gap between shooting and return of the reflected laser light.
2 Phase_Shift The technology uses "Phase shift waveform analysis". It analyses the distance gap between two reflected laser beam phase which are shot from the scanner.
3 Waveform The technology uses "Triangulation method". Based on the triangulation method, it uses point beam or TOF method.
4 MPT The technology uses "Miniaturized Projection Technique" to scan. It projects specific pattern of White light, indicates the size and depth by analysis of the reflected pattern on the object.
5 ETC The other technology is used to scan an object.

5.6.54 hd:enumShoesWasherJobMode

Used for the "currentJobMode" and "jobModes" DataPoints of the "shoesWasherJobMode" ModuleClass.

Table 5.6.54-1: Interpretation of hd:enumShoesWasherJobMode

Value Interpretation Note
1 normalWash
2 intensiveWash
3 quickWash
4 maintenanceWash
5 antibacterialWash

NOTE: See clause "shoesWasherJobMode". Negative values are reserved for vendor specific modes.

5.6.55 hd:enumAlertStatus

The enumeration type, hd:enumAlertStatus, enables things to identify the alert status that describes whether a received public warning message as oneM2M based information is an actual alert issued by authorities or an alert for testing the public warning service over oneM2M system.

Table 5.6.55-1: Interpretation of hd:enumAlertStatus

Value Interpretation Note
1 Actual Actionable by all targeted recipients
2 Exercise Actionable only by designated exercise participants
3 System For messages that support alert network internal functions
4 Test Technical testing only, all recipients disregard
5 Draft A preliminary template or draft, not actionable in its current form

NOTE: Listed names for this enumeration are specified on the CAP 1.2 specification [22].

5.6.56 hd:enumAlertMsgType

The enumeration type, hd:enumAlertMsgType, describes the message type of oneM2M based information transformed from CAP based information issued by authorities.

Table 5.6.56-1: Interpretation of hd:enumAlertMsgType

Value Interpretation Note
1 Alert Initial information requiring attention by targeted recipients
2 Update Updates and supersedes the earlier message(s)
3 Cancel Cancels the earlier message(s)

NOTE: Listed names for this enumeration are specified on the CAP 1.2 specification [22].

5.6.57 hd:enumUrgency

The enumeration type, hd:enumUrgency, describes the urgency of the event defined in oneM2M based information transformed from CAP based information issued by authorities.

Table 5.6.57-1: Interpretation of hd:enumUrgency

Value Interpretation Note
1 Immediate Responsive action should be taken immediately
2 Expected Responsive action should be taken soon (within next hour)
3 Future Responsive action should be taken in the near future
4 Past Responsive action is no longer required
5 Unknown Urgency not known

NOTE: Listed names for this enumeration are specified on the CAP 1.2 specification [22].

5.6.58 hd:enumSeverity

The enumeration type, hd:enumSeverity, describes the severity of the event defined in oneM2M based information transformed from CAP based information issued by authorities.

Table 5.6.58-1: Interpretation of hd:enumSeverity

Value Interpretation Note
1 Extreme Extraordinary threat to life or property
2 Severe Significant threat to life or property
3 Moderate Possible threat to life or property
4 Minor Minimal to no known threat to life or property
5 Unknown Severity unknown

NOTE: Listed names for this enumeration are specified on the CAP 1.2 specification [22].

5.6.59 hd:enumCertainty

The enumeration type, hd:enumCertainty, describes the certainty of the event defined in oneM2M based information transformed from CAP based information issued by authorities.

Table 5.6.59-1: Interpretation of hd:enumCertainty

Value Interpretation Note
1 Observed Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
2 Likely Likely (p > ~50 %)
3 Possible Possible but not likely (p <= ~50 %)
4 Unlikely Not expected to occur (p ~ 0)
5 Unknown Certainty unknown

NOTE: Listed names for this enumeration are specified on the CAP 1.2 specification [22].