5.7 Universal and Common Properties for Device models

Universal and common properties are defined either

  • As specialized custom attributes of a dmDeviceInfo <flexContainer> specialization, defined in clause 5.8.3, when the <node> resource targeted by the nodeLink attribute of the Device model contains a [flexNode] child,
  • Or as specialized object attributes of the [deviceInfo] <mgmtObj> specialization, defined in Annex D.8 of TS-0001[3], child of this <node> resource, otherwise.

Some properties are mandatory for all device models and called "Universal Properties", since they are universally seen in typical device types and carry necessary information to identify each device instance. Others are optional for all device models and called "Common Properties", since they are commonly used in many device types but not always.

Universal and common properties are applicable to all device models. They are not repeated in the property table of each device model in clause 5.5, where only device specific properties shall be specified.

NOTE: The instantiated values of the universal properties might be empty in case of exceptional scenarios, e.g. interworking with non-oneM2M device models.