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6.3 Short names

6.3.1 Introduction

XML and JSON representations require the explicit encoding of the names of resource attributes, (in the case of XML) and resource types. Whenever a protocol binding transfers such a name over a oneM2M reference point, it shall use a shortened form of that name. Short names enable payload reduction on involved telecommunication interfaces.

The mapping between the full names and their shortened form is given in the clauses that follow.

6.3.2 Resource types

In protocol bindings resource type names for device models shall be translated into short names of Table 6.3.2-1.

Table 6.3.2-1: Specialization type short names (Device models)

Resource Type Name Short Name
device3DPrinter dTDPr
deviceAirConditioner deACr
deviceAirHeater deAHr
deviceAirPurifier deAPr
deviceAirQualityMonitor dAQMr
deviceAudioReceiver deARr
deviceBloodPressureMonitor dBPMr
deviceCamera devCa
deviceClothesDryer deCDr
deviceClothesWasher deCWr
deviceClothesWasherDryer dCWDr
deviceCoffeeMachine deCMe
deviceCookerHood deCHd
deviceCooktop devCp
deviceDehumidifier devDr
deviceDishWasher deDWr
deviceDoor devD0
deviceDoorLock deDLk
deviceElectricMotorcycle deEMe
deviceElectricVehicleCharger dEVCr
deviceFan devFn
deviceFoodProbe deFPe
deviceFreezer devFr
deviceGlucosemeter devGr
deviceHeartRateMonitor dHRMr
deviceHomeCCTV dHCCT
deviceHumidifier devHr
deviceJuicer devJr
deviceKettle devKe
deviceLight devLt
deviceMicrogeneration devMn
deviceMultiFunctionPrinter dMFPr
deviceOutdoorLamp deOLp
deviceOven devOn
devicePrinter devPr
devicePulseOximeter dePOr
deviceRefrigerator devRr
deviceRobotCleaner deRCr
deviceScanner devSr
deviceSecurityPanel deSPl
deviceSetTopBox dSTBx
deviceShoesWasher deSWr
deviceSmartElectricMeter dSEMr
deviceSmartPlug deSPg
deviceSteamCloset deSCt
deviceStorageBattery deSBy
deviceSwitch devSh
deviceTelevision devTn
deviceThermometer devTr
deviceThermostat devTt
deviceWaterHeater deWHr
deviceWaterValve deWVe
deviceWeightScaleAndBodyCompositionAnalyser dWSAB
deviceWindowShade deWSe
deviceBottleWarmer deBWr
deviceGarbageDisposal deGDp
deviceWaterPurifier deWPr
flexNode fleNe

In protocol bindings resource type names for SubDevice model shall be translated into short names of Table 6.3.2-2.

Table 6.3.2-2: Specialization type short names (SubDevice models)

Resource Type Name Short Name
cuff cuff
powerOutlet powOt
subDeviceCuff suDCf
subDeviceCuff sDPOt
dmAreaNwkInfo dANIo

NOTE: see clause 6.2.7, rule 7-4.

In protocol bindings resource type names for module classes shall be translated into short names of Table 6.3.2-3.

Table 6.3.2-3: Specialization type short names (ModuleClasses and Module Instances)

Resource Type Name Short Name
threeDprinter thDPr
acousticSensor acoSr
airCleanOperationMode aCOM0
airConJobMode aCJMe
airConOperationMode aCOMe
airFlow airFw
airPurifierJobMode aPJMe
airPurifierOperationMode aPOMe
airQualitySensor aiQSr
alarmSpeaker alaSr
audioVolume audVe
autoDocumentFeeder auDFr
battery bat
binaryObject binOt
binarySwitch binSh
bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis bEIAs
bodyCompositionAnalyser boCAr
boiler boilr
boilingSwitch boiSh
brewing brewg
brewingSwitch breSh
brightness brigs
channel Editor's note: undefined chanl
clock clock
clothesDryerJobMode cDJMe
clothesDryerOperationMode cDOMe
clothesWasherDryerJobMode cWDJM
clothesWasherDryerOperationMode cWDOM
clothesWasherJobMode cWJMe
clothesWasherJobModeOption cWJMO
clothesWasherOperationMode cWOMe
colour color
colourSaturation colSn
controlPanelLock coPLk
cookerHoodJobMode cHJMe
credentials creds
customTemperature cusTe
dataGenerationTime dgt
dehumidifierJobMode deJMe
dehumidifierOperationMode deOMe
dishWasherJobMode dWJMe
dmAgent dmAgt
dmAreaNwkDeviceInfo dANDo
dmCapability dmCay
dmDataModelIO dDMIO
dmDeviceInfo dmDIo
dmEventLog dmELg
dmFirmware dmFie
dmPackage dmPae
dmSoftware dmSoe
dmStorage dmSte
doorLock dooLk
doorStatus dooSs
electricVehicleConnector elVCr
energyConsumption eneCn
energyGeneration eneGn
faultDetection fauDn
features feats
filterInfo filIo
foaming foamg
fridgeTemperature friTe
frozenTemperature froTe
geoLocation geoLn
glucometer glucr
grinder grinr
heatingZone heaZe
height heigt
hotWaterSupply hoWSy
impactSensor impSr
keepWarm keeWm
keypad keypd
liquidLevel liqLl
liquidRemaining liqRg
location locan
localization loca0
lock lock
mediaInput medIt
mediaOutput medOt
mediaSelect medSt
milkFoaming milFg
milkQuantity milQy
milkStatus milSs
motionSensor motSr
numberValue numVe
openLevel opeLl
operationMode opeMe
origin orign
overcurrentSensor oveSr
oximeter oximr
ozoneMeter ozoMr
phoneCall phoCl
playerControl plaCl
powerSave powS0
printerRunState prRSe
printQueue priQe
pulsemeter pulsr
pushButton pusBn
recorder recor
refrigeration refrn
relativeHumidity relHy
remoteControlEnable reCEe
robotCleanerJobMode rCJMe
robotCleanerOperationMode rCOMe
runState runSe
scannerRunState scRSe
securityMode secMe
sessionDescription sesDn
signalStrength sigSh
sleepTimer sleTr
smokeSensor smoSr
sphygmomanometer sphyr
spinLevel spiLl
steamClosetJobMode sCJMe
steamClosetOperationMode sCOMe
televisionChannel telCl
temperature tempe
temperatureAlarm temAm
textMessage texMe
timer timer
turbo turbo
uvSensor uveSr
waterFilterInfo waFIo
waterFlow watFw
waterSensor watSr
waterStatus watSs
weight weigt

In protocol bindings resource type names for actions shall be translated into short names of Table 6.3.2-4.

Table 6.3.2-4: Specialization type short names (Actions)

Resource Type Name Short Name
activate actie
activateClockTimer acCTr
answer answr
call call
close close
deactivate deace
deactivateClockTimer deCTr
decrementNumberValue deNVe
deployPackage depPe
disable disae
downChannel dowCl
downVolume dowVe
enable enabe
format formt
hangup hangp
incrementNumberValue inNVe
install instl
nextTrack nexTk
open open
previousTrack preTk
reboot rebot
readIO reaIO
resetNumberValue reNVe
resetTextMessage reTMe
start3Dprint staDt
stop3Dprint stoDt
toggle togge
uninstall uninl
unmount unmot
upChannel uphCl
updateFirmware updFe
upVolume upoVe
writeIO wriIO

6.3.3 Resource attributes for properties and data points

In protocol bindings resource attributes names for properties of module classes shall be translated into short names of Table 6.3.3-1.

Table 6.3.3-1: Resource attribute short names (ModuleClass properties)

Attribute Name Occurs in Short Name
chargingCapacity electricVehicleConnector chaCy
dischargingCapacity electricVehicleConnector disCy
electricEnergy battery eleEy
material battery matel
voltage battery volte

In protocol bindings resource attributes names for data points of module classes shall be translated into short names of Table 6.3.3-2.

Table 6.3.3-2: Resource attribute short names (ModuleClass data points)

Attribute Name Occurs in Short Name
absoluteEnergyConsumption energyConsumption abECn
absoluteStartTime timer abSTe
absoluteStopTime timer abST0
acousticStatus acousticSensor acoSs
adfStates autoDocumentFeeder adfSs
alarm motionSensor, smokeSensor, temperatureAlarm, waterSensor alarm
alarmStatus alarmSpeaker alaSs
altitude geoLocation altie
automode airFlow autoe
availableChannels televisionChannel avaCs
basalMetabolism bodyCompositionAnalyser basMm
bath hotWaterSupply bath
batteryThreshold battery batTd
blue colour blue
bmi bodyCompositionAnalyser bmi
bodyLength bodyCompositionAnalyser bodLh
bone bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis bone
brightness brightness brigs
callerID phoneCall calID
callState phoneCall calSe
capacity battery capay
ch2o airQualitySensor ch2o
channelId televisionChannel chaId
channelName televisionChannel chaNe
charging battery charg
chargingCapacity electricVehicleConnector chaCy
co airQualitySensor co
co2 airQualitySensor co2
coarseness grinder coars
code faultDetection, filterInfo code
coldWash clothesWasherJobModeOption colWh
colourSaturation colourSaturation colSn
component dmFirmware compt
concentration glucometer concn
contextCarbohydratesAmount glucometer coCAt
contextCarbohydratesSource glucometer coCSe
contextExercise glucometer conEe
contextHealth glucometer conHh
contextLocation glucometer conLn
contextMeal glucometer conMl
contextMedication glucometer conMn
contextTester glucometer conTr
country dmDeviceInfo couny
cpuUsage dmAgent cpuUe
cupsNumber brewing cupNr
current energyConsumption currt
currentAdfState autoDocumentFeeder cuASe
currentDate clock curDe
currentJobMode airConJobMode, airPurifierJobMode, clothesDryerJobMode, clothesWasherDryerJobMode, clothesWasherJobMode, cookerHoodJobMode, dehumidifierJobMode, dishWasherJobMode, robotCleanerJobMode, steamClosetJobMode cuJMe
currentJobModeName airConJobMode, airPurifierJobMode, clothesDryerJobMode, clothesWasherDryerJobMode, clothesWasherJobMode, cookerHoodJobMode, dehumidifierJobMode, dishWasherJobMode, robotCleanerJobMode, steamClosetJobMode cJMNe
currentJobState runState cuJSe
currentMachineState runState cuMSe
currentPlayerMode playerControl cuPMe
currentPlayerModeName playerControl cPMNe
currentSecurityMode securityMode cuSMe
currentTemperature temperature curT0
currentTime clock curTe
currentTimeZone clock cuTZe
currentValue smokeSensor crv
data dmEventLog data
dataModelType dmDataModelIO daMTe
dataSourceID origin daSID
dataType origin datTe
defaultValue numberValue, textMessage defVe
defrost refrigeration defrt
description faultDetection, dmDeviceInfo, localization dc
desiredHumidity relativeHumidity desHy
detectedTime overcurrentSensor, smokeSensor detTe
diastolicPressure sphygmomanometer diaPe
discharging battery discg
dischargingCapacity electricVehicleConnector disCy
doorState doorStatus dooSe
duration overcurrentSensor, recorder dur
electricEnergy battery eleEy
enabled dmEventLog enabd
energy pulsemeter enery
estimatedTimeToEnd timer eTTEd
extraRinse clothesWasherJobModeOption extRe
fat bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis fat
fatFreeMass bodyCompositionAnalyser faFMs
filterLifetime filterInfo filLe
foamingStrength foaming foaSh
frequency energyConsumption freqy
friendlyName dmDeviceInfo friNe
friendlyLocation location, localization friLn
fwVersion dmDeviceInfo fweVn
generationSource energyGeneration genSe
geoJSON location geoJN
grainsRemaining grinder graRg
green colour green
hash binaryObject hash
hba1c glucometer hba1c
heading geoLocation headg
headingAccuracy geoLocation heaAy
heatingLevel heatingZone heaLl
height height heigt
horizontalAccuracy geoLocation horAy
horizontalDirection airFlow horDn
hwVersion dmDeviceInfo hweVn
impactDirectionHorizontal impactSensor imDHl
impactDirectionVertical impactSensor imDVl
impactLevel impactSensor impLl
impactStatus impactSensor impSs
impedance bodyCompositionAnalyser impee
jobModes airConJobMode, airPurifierJobMode, clothesWasherDryerJobMode, clothesWasherJobMode, cookerHoodJobMode, dehumidifierJobMode, dishWasherJobMode, robotCleanerJobMode steamClosetJobMode, jobMs
jobStates runState jobSs
kcal bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis kcal
keyNumber keypad keyNr
latitude geoLocation latie
level battery lvl
light alarmSpeaker light
liquidLevel liquidLevel liqLl
liquidRemaining liquidRemaining liqRg
locale location locae
lock lock lock
loginName credentials logNe
longitude geoLocation longe
loudness acousticSensor louds
lowBattery battery lowBy
lqi signalStrength lqi
machineStates runState macSs
manufacturer dmDeviceInfo manur
manufacturerDetailsLink dmDeviceInfo maDLk
manufacturingDate dmDeviceInfo manDe
material battery matel
maxHeatingLevel heightheatingZone maHLl
maxLength textMessage maxLh
maxLevel openLevel maxLl
maxSpeed airFlow maxSd
maxValue audioVolume, numberValue, ozoneMeter, temperature maxVe
meanPressure sphygmomanometer meaPe
measuringScope energyConsumption meaSe
mediaID mediaSelect medID
mediaName mediaSelect medNe
mediaType mediaSelect medTe
memorySize threeDprinter memSe
messageEncoding textMessage mesEg
metadata features metaa
minLength textMessage minLh
minLevel openLevel minLl
minSpeed airFlow minSd
minValue numberValue, temperature minVe
modality pulsemeter moday
model dmDeviceInfo model
monitoringEnabled airQualitySensor monEd
multiFirmware dmFirmware mulFe
multiplyingFactors energyConsumption, energyGeneration mulFs
muscle bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis musce
muscleMass bodyCompositionAnalyser musMs
muteEnabled audioVolume mutEd
name dmPackage, dmSoftware name
network threeDprinter netwk
numberValue numberValue numVe
object binaryObject objet
objectType binaryObject objTe
openAlarm doorStatus opeAm
openDuration doorStatus opeDn
openLevel openLevel opeLl
originID origin oriID
osVersion dmDeviceInfo oseVn
overcurrentStatus overcurrentSensor oveSs
oxygenSaturation oximeter oxySn
ozoneStatus ozoneMeter ozoSs
ozoneValueMG ozoneMeter ozVMG
ozoneValuePPM ozoneMeter oVPPM
password credentials pwd
postalAddress location posAs
power energyConsumption power
powerGenerationData energyGeneration poGDa
powerSaveEnabled powerSave poSEd
powerState binarySwitch powSe
powerStatus dmAgent powSs
precision features precn
presentationURL dmDeviceInfo prURL
previousChannel televisionChannel preCl
preWash clothesWasherJobModeOption preWh
primaryName dmFirmware priNe
primaryState dmFirmware priSe
primaryUrl dmFirmware priUl
primaryVersion dmFirmware priVn
printingState printQueue priS0
printSizeX threeDprinter priSX
printSizeY threeDprinter priSY
printSizeZ [ threeDprinter](../5.3/#5311-threedprinter)threeDprinter priSZ
printType threeDprinter priTe
progressPercentage runState proPe
pulseRate pulsemeter pulRe
pushed pushButton pushd
ramAvailable dmAgent ramAe
ramTotal dmAgent ramTl
rapidCool refrigeration rapCl
rapidFreeze refrigeration rapFe
recipientID phoneCall recID
red colour red
referenceTimer timer refTr
relativeHumidity relativeHumidity relHy
reliability features reliy
remoteControlEnabled remoteControlEnable reCEd
resistance bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis resie
room location room
roundingEnergyConsumption energyConsumption roECn
roundingEnergyGeneration energyGeneration roEGn
rr pulsemeter r0
rssi signalStrength rssi
runningTime timer runTe
sdp sessionDescription sdp
secondaryName dmFirmware secNe
secondaryState dmFirmware secSe
secondaryUrl dmFirmware secUl
secondaryVersion dmFirmware secVn
securityModes securityMode secMs
sensitivity motionSensor sensy
sensorHumidity airQualitySensor senHy
sensorOdor airQualitySensor senOr
sensorPM1 airQualitySensor sePM1
sensorPM10 airQualitySensor sePM0
serialNumber dmDeviceInfo serNr
sensorPM2 airQualitySensor sePM2
significantDigits energyConsumption, energyGeneration sigDs
silentTime motionSensor silTe
size binaryObject, features size
smokeThreshhold smokeSensor smoTd
softLeanMass bodyCompositionAnalyser soLMs
soilLevel clothesWasherJobModeOption soiLl
speed airFlow speed
speedFactor playerControl speFr
speedWash clothesWasherJobModeOption speWh
spinLevelStrength spinLevel spLSh
spinSpeed clothesWasherJobModeOption spiSd
startPause operationMode staPe
state dmAgent, dmPackage, dmFirmware state
status boiler, dmEventLog, electricVehicleConnector, faultDetection, filterInf, mediaSelect sus
steamTreat clothesWasherJobModeOption steTt
step numberValue step
stepValue audioVolume, openLevel, temperature steVe
storageAvailable dmAgent stoAe
storageTotal dmAgent stoTl
strength brewing streh
subModel dmDeviceInfo subMl
supportedHorizontalDirection airFlow suHDn
supportedMediaSources mediaSelect suMSs
supportedMessageValues textMessage suMVs
supportedPlayerModes playerControl suPMs
supportedVerticalDirection airFlow suVDn
supportURL dmDeviceInfo suURL
swVersion dmDeviceInfo sweVn
systemTime dmAgent sysTe
systolicPressure sphygmomanometer sysPe
targetAltitude geoLocation tarAe
targetDuration timer tarDn
targetLatitude geoLocation tarLe
targetLongitude geoLocation tarL0
targetTemperature temperature tarTe
targetTimeToStart timer tTTSt
targetTimeToStop timer tTTSp
temperature temperatureAlarm tempe
temperatureThreshold This data point has been changed to two different data points temperatureAlarm temTd
textMessage textMessage texMe
time keepWarm time
token credentials tk
tone alarmSpeaker tone
turboEnabled turbo turEd
type dmEventLog type
unit temperature unit
uri printQueue ur0
url sessionDescription, dmPackage, dmSoftware url
useGrinder grinder useGr
uvStatus uvSensor uvtSs
uvValue uvSensor uvaVe
version dmPackage, dmSoftware versn
verticalAccuracy geoLocation verAy
verticalDirection airFlow verDn
visceraFat bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis visFt
voc airQualitySensor voc
voltage battery volte
voltage energyConsumption volte
volumePercentage audioVolume volPe
washTemp clothesWasherJobModeOption wasTp
water bioElectricalImpedanceAnalysis water
waterFlowStrength waterFlow waFSh
weight weight weigt

In protocol bindings resource attributes names for properties of sub-devices shall be translated into short names of Table 6.3.3-3.

Table 6.3.3-3: Resource attribute short names (SubDevice properties)

Attribute Name Occurs in Short Name
propAreaNwkType dmAreaNwkInfo pANTe

6.3.4 Resource attributes for actions arguments

In protocol bindings resource attributes names for arguments of actions shall be translated into short names of Table 6.3.4-1.

Table 6.3.4-1: Resource attribute short names (Action arguments)

Argument Name Occurs in Short Name
address readIO, writeIO addrs
name deployPackage name
payload writeIO payld
rebootType reboot rebTe
url deployPackage, updateFirmware, update url
version deployPackage, updateFirmware, update versn