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6.5 XSD definitions

6.5.1 Introduction

The present clause specifies how to name the files which define data types in XSD for Device and SubDevice models, ModuleClasses, Actions and enumerated types.

Seven SDT domains correspond to different vertical, economic domains (Agriculture, Smart City, Health, Home, Industry, Public Safety, Railway, Vehicular), they contain devices and modules that are specific to these domains.

Management domain contains transversal, Device Management modules, Metadata domain contains transversal, meta-information modules, Horizontal is only for enumerated types and Common is the domain that gathers devices and modules that do not pertain to a specific domain but are re-usable anywhere.

The following table defines the short names for XML name spaces and file name prefix.

Table 6.5.1-1: Short names for the XML name spaces

Domain XML Name Space Domain Prefix URI
Agriculture xmlns:agd AGD
City xmlns:cid CID
Common xmlns:cod COD
Health xmlns:hed HED
Home xmlns:hod HOD
Horizontal xmlns:hd HD
Industry xmlns:ind IND
Management xmlns:mad MAD
Metadata xmlns:mdd MDD
PublicSafety xmlns:psd PSD
Railway xmlns:rad RAD
Vehicular xmlns:ved VED

6.5.2 XSD definitions for Device models

The XSD definitions for Device models are specified upon the following rule:

  • Rule: [Domain Prefix]-[device name]-v<TS-version>.xsd where the string '<TS-version>' shall be interpreted as the version of the present document.

For example, the XSD definition for "deviceAirConditioner" specified in TS-0023 v4.3.0 shall be "HOD-deviceAirConditioner-v4_3_0.xsd".

6.5.3 XSD definitions for ModuleClass

The XSD definitions for ModuleClass are specified upon the following rule:

  • Rule: [Domain Prefix]-mod-[ModuleClass name]-v<TS-version>.xsd where the string '<TS-version>' shall be interpreted as the version of the present document.

For example, the XSD definition for "alarmSpeaker" specified in TS-0023 v4.3.0 shall be "COD-mod-alarmSpeaker-v4_3_0.xsd".

6.5.4 XSD definitions for Action

The XSD definitions for Actions are specified upon the following rule:

  • Rule: [Domain Prefix]-act-[action name]-v<TS-version>.xsd where the string '<TS-version>' shall be interpreted as the version of the present document.

For example, the XSD definition for "activateClockTimer" specified in TS-0023 v4.3.0 shall be "HOD-act- activateClockTimer -v4_3_0.xsd".

6.5.5 XSD definitions for SubDevices

The XSD definitions for SubDeices are specified upon the following rule:

  • Rule: [Domain Prefix]-[SubDevice name]-v<TS-version>.xsd where the string '<TS-version>' shall be interpreted as the version of the present document.

For example, the XSD definition for "subDeviceCuff" specified in TS-0023 v4.3.0 shall be "COD-subDeviceCuff-v4_3_0.xsd".

6.5.6 XSD definitions for Enumerated Types

The XSD definitions for enumerated types are specified upon the following rule:

  • Rule: HD-enumerationTypes-v<TS-version>.xsd where the string '<TS-version>' shall be interpreted as the version of the present document.

This file contains the definitions of all enumerated types, and nothing else.