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B.2.1 Introduction

OCF specifications provide a common, open connectivity framework for embedded developers that enables a common device discovery and interaction model, common data model and a robust security framework whilst abstracting away the physical connectivity hardware (and related protocols).

OCF Device Specification [i.8] defines list of smart home devices. Each smart home device contains a unique identifier and list of mandatory/optional resources. Each resource definition contains a unique identifier, identification of the default interface and other supported interfaces, list of supported methods, list of allowed actions and list of the mandatory/optional property(-ies) the resource exposes.

This clause specifies the mapping relationship between oneM2M and OCF Devices.

B.2.2 Device Type Mapping

Table B.2.2-1 captures the equivalency mapping between OCF defined Device Types and oneM2M defined Devices. The minimum module sets for each oneM2M device is provided in the present document. The minimum resource sets for each OCF Device is provided in the OCF Device Specification [i.8].

Table B.2.2-1: OCF to oneM2M Device Type Mapping

OCF Device Name OCF Device Type oneM2M Device
Active Speaker oic.d.speaker N/A
Air Conditioner oic.d.airconditioner deviceAirConditioner
Air Purifier oic.d.airpurifier deviceAirPurifier
Air Quality Monitor oic.d.airqualitymonitor deviceAirQualityMonitor
Battery oic.d.battery deviceStorageBattery
Blind oic.d.blind deviceWindowShade
Camera deviceCamera
Clothes Washer Dryer oic.d.washerdryer deviceClothesWasherDryer
Coffee Machine oic.d.coffeemachine deviceCoffeeMachine
Cooker Hood oic.d.cookerhood deviceCookerHood
Cooktop oic.d.cooktop deviceCooktop
Dehumidifier oic.d.dehumidifier deviceDehumidifier
Dishwasher oic.d.dishwasher deviceDishWasher
Door oic.d.door deviceDoor
Dryer (Laundry) oic.d.dryer deviceClothesDryer
Electric Vehicle Charger oic.d.electricvehiclecharger deviceElectricVehicleCharger
Electric Meter oic.d.electricmeter deviceSmartElectricMeter
Energy Generator oic.d.energygenerator deviceMicrogeneration
Fan deviceFan
Food Probe oic.d.foodprobe deviceFoodProbe
Freezer oic.d.freezer deviceFreezer
Garage Door oic.d.garagedoor deviceDoor
Generic Sensor oic.d.sensor N/A
Grinder oic.d.grinder N/A
Humidifier oic.d.humidifier deviceHumidifier
Light oic.d.light deviceLight
Oven oic.d.oven deviceOven
Printer oic.d.printer devicePrinter
Printer Multi-Function oic.d.multifunctionprinter deviceMultiFunctionPrinter
Receiver oic.d.receiver deviceAudioReceiver
Refrigerator oic.d.refrigerator deviceRefrigerator
Robot Cleaner oic.d.robotcleaner deviceRobotCleaner
Scanner oic.d.scanner deviceScanner
Security Panel oic.d.securitypanel deviceSecurityPanel
Set Top Box oic.d.stb deviceSetTopBox
Smart Lock oic.d.smartlock deviceDoorLock
Smart Plug oic.d.smartplug deviceSmartPlug
Switch oic.d.switch deviceSwitch
Television deviceTelevision
Thermostat oic.d.thermostat deviceThermostat
Washer (Laundry) oic.d.washer deviceClothesWasher
Water Heater oic.d.waterheater deviceWaterHeater
Water Valve oic.d.watervalve deviceWaterValve
Window oic.d.window N/A