5.1 Mapping of basic data types

oneM2M has defined the data types that describe the format of the value stored with the attribute. Those oneM2M data types are listed in the below table, and mapped to the data types specified by OMA DM Protocol [3] and [4]. Note that OMA DM 1.3 [3] and OMA DM 2.0 [4] use the same data types.

Table 5.1-1 Basic data types

oneM2M Data Types Mapping to data types in OMA DM Description
TBD null OMA DM Nodes with null data type shall not store any value.
xs:base64Binary b64 Data type for Base64-encoded binary data.
xs:base64Binary bin Data type for binary data.
xs:boolean bool Data type for Boolean.
xs:string chr Data type for text. The length limitation should be considered for the mapping.
xs:integer int Data type for 32-bit signed integer
xs:date date Data type for date in ISO 8601 [12] format with the century being included in the year
xs:time time Data type specifying that the Node value is a time in ISO 8601 [12] format
xs:float float Data type for a single precision 32-bit floating point type as defined in XML Schema 1.0 [13] as the float primitive type
xs:nonNegativeInteger int Data type for numbers equal or larger than 0, mapped from 64-bit to 32-bit representation
xs:positiveInteger int Data type for numbers equal or larger than 1, mapped from 64-bit to 32-bit representation
xs:long int Data type for signed integer numbers, mapped from 64-bit to 32-bit representation.
The mgmtLink attribute in the <mgmtObj> Resource node The OMA DM 'node' data type describes the format of the Interior Node that can have child Nodes. The mgmtLink attribute in the <mgmtObj> Resource supports the hierarchy of <mgmtObj> Resource. Note that this is not data type mapping.