5.2 Mapping of Identifiers
OMA DM 1.3 and OMA DM 2.0 specify many identifiers including device identifier, server identifier, client version identifier, manufacturer identifier, etc. To enable the device management using OMA DM Protocol, oneM2M identifiers needs to be mapped to identifiers specified by OMA DM Protocol. The below table shows the oneM2M identifiers that need to be mapped to OMA DM Protocol.
Table 5.2-1 Map of Identifiers
oneM2M | Mapping to OMA DM Identifiers | Description |
M2M-Node-ID. | Device Identifier (i.e. DevId node in DevInfo MO) | In OMA DM, the device identifier is a unique identifier for the device. This value is globally unique and has to be formatted as a URN. OMA DM Gateways and OMA DM enabled devices are assigned with the device identifiers, and each can be mapped to the M2M-Node-ID. Note: In case the notion of the device identifier is not supported by the device, the DM Gateway can assign the local identifier for the device, and the M2M-Node-ID should be mapped to this local identifier. |
The objectID attribute in <mgmtObj> resource. | Management Object Identifier (MOID) | A unique identifier of the management object. Each MO is characterized by a unique MOID, which is generally a URN. |
The objectPath attribute in <mgmtObj> resource | URI for the local path in the device where the relevant Management Object is located | Management Objects in the device are uniquely addressed by a URI that is stored in the objectPath attribute. Note that DM 1.3 and DM 2.0 uses different Addressing scheme, but they are transparent to the oneM2M service layer. |