5.4 Mapping of procedures for management
5.4.1 Mapping for <mgmtObj> Resource Primitives Create Primitive for <mgmtObj> Resource Introduction
The Create Request primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource, as described in [2], shall be mapped to technology specific requests that create the corresponding OMA DM Management Objects. Depending on the type of the <mgmtObj> Resource (i.e. [memory], [battery], [deviceInfo], etc.), the associated OMA DM Management Object as specified in the clause 6.3 should be created. Creating OMA DM Management Object can be performed by the Protocol Command Add in OMA DM 1.3 and HGET in OMA DM 2.0.
Receiving Create Request primitive does not imply that the mapped technology specific requests shall always be performed since, on receiving the Create Request primitive, the corresponding technology specific data model objects may already exist in the device. For instance, after discovering the external management objects, the DMG in MN or ASN creates <mgmtObj> Resource in the IN-CSE; and in this case, the IN-CSE does not need to create the external management objects.
In the case where the technology specific data model objects are successfully created after receiving the Create Request primitive, then the objectID and objectPath attribute should be properly set based on the created technology specific data model objects. Create Response Status Code Mapping
The result of creating the technology specific data model object should be mapped to the Create Response primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource as indicated by the status code mapping in the clause.
Table OMA DM 1.3 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 1.3 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The command accessed leaf node and it completed successfully. |
n/a | (213) Chunked item accepted | Chunked item accepted and buffered. This status code indicates that the request is still on processing. The final status code shall be mapped to the proper oneM2M Primitive status code. |
error -not executed | (215) Not executed | Command was not executed, as a result of; User interaction as user chose to abort or cancel; The parent Atomic command failed, causing this command to fail. |
error - not executed | (216) Atomic roll back OK | Command was inside Atomic element and Atomic failed. This command was rolled back successfully. |
error - no privilege | (401) Unauthorized | The originator's authentication credentials specify a principal with insufficient rights to complete the command. |
error - not found | (404) Not Found | The specified data item doesn't exist on the recipient. This may also imply that the stated URI for the location of the new management object cannot be resolved |
error - not allowed | (405) Command not allowed | Command not allowed. The requested command is not allowed on the target. |
error - authentication failed | (407) Authentication required | No authentication credentials were specified. A suitable challenge can also be returned. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (413) Request entity too large | The data item to be transferred is too large (e.g. there are restrictions on the size of data items transferred to the recipient). |
error - mgmt adapter error | (414) URI too long | URI in command is too long. Either string presenting URI or segment in URI is too long or URI has too many segments. |
error - Unsupported data type | (415) Unsupported media type or format | The media type or format for the data item is not supported by the recipient. |
error - already exists | (418) Already exists | The requested Add command failed because the target already exists. |
error - no storage at device | (420) Device full | The recipient device storage is full. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (424) Size mismatch | The chunked object was received, but the size of the received object did not match the size declared within the first chunk. |
error - no privilege | (425) Permission denied | The server does not have the proper ACL permissions. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (500) Command failed | Non-specific errors created by the recipient while attempting to complete the command. |
error - not executed | (516) Atomic roll back failed | Command was inside Atomic element and Atomic failed. This command was not rolled back successfully. Server should take action to try to recover client back into original state. |
Table OMA DM 2.0 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 2.0 Status Code |
Description |
ok | (200) OK | The DM command completed successfully. |
error - bad request | (400) Bad Request | The requested command could not be performed because of malformed syntax in the command. |
error - no privilege | (403) Forbidden | The requested command failed because the sender does not have adequate access rights on the recipient. |
error - not found | (404) Not Found | The requested target was not found. |
error - Unsupported data type | (415) Unsupported Media Type | The request is refused because the request uses a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (419) ServerURI Error | The ServerURI provided causes errors. |
error - internal error | (500) Internal Error | The recipient encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
error - unsupported resource | (501) Not Implemented | The recipient does not support the features to fulfil the request. This is the appropriate response when the recipient does not recognize the requested command and is not capable of supporting it for any resource. |
error - service unavailable | (503) Service Unavailable | The recipient is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the recipient. The implication is that this is a temporary condition; which will be alleviated after some delay. |
error - no storage | (506) Device Full | The response indicates that the recipient has not enough storage space for the data. |
error - user rejected | (507) User Rejected | The request is not executed since the user rejected the request. | Retrieve Primitive for <mgmtObj> Resource Introduction
The Retrieve Request primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource, as described in [2], shall be mapped to technology specific requests that retrieve the corresponding OMA DM Management Objects. Depending on the type of the <mgmtObj> Resource (i.e. [memory], [battery], [deviceInfo], etc.), the associated OMA DM Management Object as specified in the clause 6.3 shall be retrieved. Retrieving OMA DM Management Object can be performed by the Protocol Command Get in OMA DM 1.3 and HPUT/HPOST/GET in OMA DM 2.0.
In case of OMA DM 2.0, note that the mapped technology specific requests may be implemented either by using HPUT, HPOST or GET. If the GET command is used, the requested data is carried within the OMA DM Session; otherwise the requested data is directly embedded within the HTTP message. Retrieve Response Status Code Mapping
The result of retrieving the technology specific data model object should be mapped to the Retrieve Response primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource as indicated by the status code mapping in the clause.
Table OMA DM 1.3 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 1.3 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The command completed successfully. |
error - not executed | (215) Not executed | Command was not executed, as a result of: User interaction as user chose to abort or cancel. The parent Atomic command failed, causing this command to fail. |
success | (217) OK with inherited ACL | The command completed successfully with inherited ACL returned. The Get command was performed to get ACL on a node which has Empty ACL. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (401) Unauthorized | The originator's authentication credentials specify a principal with insufficient rights to complete the command. |
error - not found | (404) Not found | The specified data item doesn't exist on the recipient. |
error - not allowed | (405) Command not allowed | The requested command is not allowed on the target. |
error - unsupported resource | (406) Optional feature not supported | The recipient did not recognize the feature specified after the "?" at the end of the URI. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (407) Authentication required | No authentication credentials were specified. A suitable challenge can also be returned. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (413) Request entity too large | The requested data item is too large to be transferred at this time. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (414) URI too long | URI in command is too long. Either string presenting URI or segment in URI is too long or URI has too many segments. |
error - unsupported data type | (415) Unsupported media type or format | The media type or format for the data item is not supported by the recipient. |
error - no privilege | (425) Permission denied | The server does not have the proper ACL permissions. |
error - not executed | (500) Command failed | Non-specific errors created by the recipient while attempting to complete the command. |
Table OMA DM 2.0 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 2.0 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The DM command completed successfully. |
success | (204) No Content | The request was successfully completed but no data is being returned. |
success | (304) Not Modified | The data requested is not modified. The <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE shall return the cached data back to the Originator. |
error - bad request | (400) Bad Request | The requested command could not be performed because of malformed syntax in the command. |
error - no privilege | (403) Forbidden | The requested command failed because the sender does not have adequate access rights on the recipient. |
error - not found | (404) Not Found | The requested target was not found. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (406) Not Acceptable | The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (500) Internal Error | The recipient encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (501) Not Implemented | The recipient does not support the features to fulfil the request. This is the appropriate response when the recipient does not recognize the requested command and is not capable of supporting it for any resource. |
error - service unavailable | (503) Service Unavailable | The recipient is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the recipient. The implication is that this is a temporary condition; which will be alleviated after some delay. |
error - user rejected | (507) User Rejected | The request is not executed since the user rejected the request. | Update Primitive for <mgmtObj> Resource Introduction
The Update Request Primitive for <mgmtObj> Resource can be used to modify the technology specific data model objects or to execute the management commands. The mapping in either case shall be different as the following clauses specify. Update Primitive for Replacing Data in the Management Object
This is the case that the Update Primitive targets the attribute that is mapped to the non-executable Node in technology specific data model object as specified in clause 6.3. The Update Request primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource, as described in [2], shall be mapped to technology specific requests that replace the data in the corresponding OMA DM Management Objects. Depending on the type of the <mgmtObj> Resource (i.e. [memory], [battery], [deviceInfo], etc.), the associated OMA DM Management Object as specified in the clause 6.3 shall be updated. Replacing data in OMA DM Management Object can be performed by the Protocol Command Replace in OMA DM 1.3 and HGET in OMA DM 2.0. Update Response Status Code Mapping
The result of replacing data in the technology specific data model object should be mapped to the Update Response primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource as indicated by the status code mapping in the clause.
Table OMA DM 1.3 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 1.3 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The command accessed an existing leaf node and it completed successfully. |
n/a | (213) Chunked item accepted | Chunked item accepted and buffered. This status code indicates that the request is still on processing. The final status code shall be mapped to the proper oneM2M Primitive status code. |
error - not executed | (215) Not executed | Command was not executed, as a result of: User interaction as user chose to abort or cancel; The parent Atomic command failed, causing this command to fail. |
error - not executed | (216) Atomic roll back OK | Command was inside Atomic element and Atomic failed. This command was rolled back successfully. |
error - no privilege | (401) Unauthorized | The originator's authentication credentials specify a principal with insufficient rights to complete the command. |
error - forbidden | (403) Forbidden | The target of a Replace command is a node that cannot be modified for reasons other than access control (for example, if the node is in use). |
error - not found | (404) Not Found | The specified data item doesn't exist on the recipient. |
error - not allowed | (405) Command not allowed | Command not allowed. The requested command is not allowed on the target. Any attempt to add a child node to a leaf node results in a (405) Command not allowed Status. Additionally, Format, Name and Type properties of permanent nodes cannot be changed, if such an attempt is made, (405) Command not allowed status code is sent back. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (407) Authentication required | No authentication credentials were specified. A suitable challenge can also be returned. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (413) Request entity too large | The data item to be transferred is too large (e.g. there are restrictions on the size of data items transferred to the recipient). |
error - mgmt adapter error | (414) URI too long | URI in command is too long. Either string presenting URI or segment in URI is too long or URI has too many segments. |
error - unsupported data type | (415) Unsupported media type or format | The media type or format for the data item is not supported by the recipient. |
error - already exist | (418) Already Exists | The requested Replace command failed because the target already exists. |
error - no storage | (420) Device full | The recipient device storage is full. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (424) Size mismatch | The chunked object was received, but the size of the received object did not match the size declared within the first chunk. |
error - no privilege | (425) Permission denied | The server does not have the proper ACL permissions. |
error - not executed | (500) Command failed | Non-specific errors created by the recipient while attempting to complete the command. |
error - not executed | (516) Atomic roll back failed | Command was inside Atomic element and Atomic failed. This command was not rolled back successfully. Server should take action to try to recover client back into original state. |
Table OMA DM 2.0 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 2.0 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The DM command completed successfully. |
error - bad request | (400) Bad Request | The requested command could not be performed because of malformed syntax in the command. |
error - no privilege | (403) Forbidden | The requested command failed because the sender does not have adequate access rights on the recipient. |
error - not found | (404) Not Found | The requested target was not found. |
error - unsupported data type | (415) Unsupported Media Type | The request is refused because the request uses a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (419) ServerURI Error | The ServerURI provided causes errors. |
error - internal error | (500) Internal Error | The recipient encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
error - unsupported resource | (501) Not Implemented | The recipient does not support the features to fulfil the request. This is the appropriate response when the recipient does not recognize the requested command and is not capable of supporting it for any resource. |
error - service unavailable | (503) Service Unavailable | The recipient is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the recipient. The implication is that this is a temporary condition; which will be alleviated after some delay. |
error - no storage | (506) Device Full | The response indicates that the recipient has not enough storage space for the data. |
error - user rejected | (507) User Rejected | The request is not executed since the user rejected the request. | Update Primitive for Executing Management Commands Introduction
This is the case that the Update Primitive targets the attribute that is mapped to the executable Node in technology specific data model object as specified in the clause 6.3. The Update Request primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource, as described in [2], shall be mapped to technology specific requests that execute the Node in the technology specific data model object. Depending on the type of the <mgmtObj> Resource (i.e. [memory], [battery], [deviceInfo], etc.), the Node in the associated OMA DM Management Object as specified in the clause 6.3 shall be executed. Executing the Node in OMA DM Management Object can be performed by the Protocol Command Exec in OMA DM 1.3 and EXEC in OMA DM 2.0.
The mapped technology specific requests may be executed either by the synchronous or asynchronous reporting as specified by OMA DM 1.3 and OMA DM 2.0. Selecting the synchronous or asynchronous reporting is implementation issue, and is independent on whether the Update Primitive is requested as blocking or non-blocking. Update Response Status Code Mapping
The result of executing the node in the technology specific data model object should be mapped to the Update Response primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource as indicated by the status code mapping in the clause.
Table OMA DM 1.3 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 1.3 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The command and the associated Alert action are completed successfully. |
accepted | (202) Accepted for processing | The request to either run a remote execution of an application or to alert a user or application was successfully received. |
error - not executed | (215) Not executed | Command was not executed, as a result of: User interaction as user chose to abort or cancel. The parent Atomic command failed, causing this command to fail. |
error - no privilege | (401) Unauthorized | The originator's authentication credentials specify a principal with insufficient rights to complete the command. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (403) Forbidden | Forbidden. The command could not be executed for reasons other than access control rights. |
error - not allowed | (405) Command not allowed | The requested command is not allowed on the target. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (406) Optional Feature Not Supported | The specified Exec command is not supported by the recipient. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (407) Authentication required | No authentication credentials were specified. A suitable challenge can also be returned. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (414) URI too long | URI in command is too long. Either string presenting URI or segment in URI is too long or URI has too many segments. |
error - no storage | (420) Device full | There is insufficient space in the recipient management tree for the data item. |
error - no privilege | (425) Permission denied | The server does not have the proper ACL permissions. |
error - not executed | (500) Command failed | Non-specific errors created by the recipient while attempting to complete the command. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (510) Data store failure | Error occurs while the recipient copying the data item within the recipient's management tree. |
Table OMA DM 2.0 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 2.0 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The DM command completed successfully. |
accepted | (202) Accepted | Accepted for processing. The asynchronous reporting mechanism is used to report the actual results. |
error - bad request | (400) Bad Request | The requested command could not be performed because of malformed syntax in the command. |
error - no privilege | (403) Forbidden | The requested command failed because the sender does not have adequate access rights on the recipient. |
error - not found | (404) Not Found | The requested target was not found. |
error - not allowed | (405) Command Not Allowed | The requested command is not allowed on the node since the node is not executable for the EXEC command and the node is mandatory for the DELETE command. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (419) ServerURI Error | The ServerURI provided causes errors. |
error - internal error | (500) Internal Error | The recipient encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
error - not implemented | (501) Not Implemented | The recipient does not support the features to fulfil the request. This is the appropriate response when the recipient does not recognize the requested command and is not capable of supporting it for any resource. |
error - service unavailable | (503) Service Unavailable | The recipient is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the recipient. The implication is that this is a temporary condition; which will be alleviated after some delay. |
error - user rejected | (507) User Rejected | The request is not executed since the user rejected the request. | Delete Primitive for <mgmtObj> Resource Introduction
The Delete Request primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource, as described in [2], shall be mapped to technology specific requests that delete the corresponding OMA DM Management Objects. Depending on the type of the <mgmtObj> Resource (i.e. [memory], [battery], [deviceInfo], etc.), the associated OMA DM Management Object as specified in the clause 6.3 should be deleted. Deleting OMA DM Management Object can be performed by the Protocol Command Delete in OMA DM 1.3 and DELETE in OMA DM 2.0.
Receiving Delete Request primitive does not imply that the corresponding technology specific data model objects shall be always deleted. They may not be deleted if the technology specific data model objects are used by entities such as the Device Management Server. Delete Response Status Code Mapping
The result of deleting the technology specific data model object should be mapped to the Delete Response primitive for the <mgmtObj> Resource as indicated by the status code mapping in the clause.
Table OMA DM 1.3 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 1.3 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The command and the associated individual commands were completed successfully. |
error - not executed | (215) Not executed | Command was not executed, as a result of: User interaction as user chose to abort or cancel. The parent Atomic command failed, causing this command to fail. |
error - not executed | (216) Atomic roll back OK | Command was inside Atomic element and Atomic failed. This command was rolled back successfully. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (401) Unauthorized | The originator's authentication credentials specify a principal with insufficient rights to complete the command. |
error - forbidden | (403) Forbidden | The target of a Delete command is a node that cannot be deleted for reasons other than access control (for example, if the node is in use). |
error - not found | (404) Not found | The recipient determined that the data item doesn't exist on the recipient's management tree. |
error - not allowed | (405) Command not allowed | The requested command is not allowed on the target. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (407) Authentication required | No authentication credentials were specified. A suitable challenge can also be returned. |
error - mgmt adapter error | (414) URI too long | URI in command is too long. Either string presenting URI or segment in URI is too long or URI has too many segments. |
error - no privilege | (425) Permission denied | The server does not have the proper ACL permissions. |
error - not executed | (500) Command failed | Non-specific error(s) occurred on the recipient while attempting to complete the command. |
error - not executed | (516) Atomic roll back failed | Command was inside Atomic element and Atomic failed. This command was not rolled back successfully. Server should take action to try to recover client back into original state. |
Table OMA DM 2.0 Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 2.0 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The DM command completed successfully. |
error - bad request | (400) Bad Request | The requested command could not be performed because of malformed syntax in the command. |
error - no privilege | (403) Forbidden | The requested command failed because the sender does not have adequate access rights on the recipient. |
error - not found | (404) Not Found | The requested target was not found. |
error - not allowed | (405) Command Not Allowed | The requested command is not allowed on the node since the node is not executable for the EXEC command and the node is mandatory for the DELETE command. |
error - internal error | (500) Internal Error | The recipient encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
error - not implemented | (501) Not Implemented | The recipient does not support the features to fulfil the request. This is the appropriate response when the recipient does not recognize the requested command and is not capable of supporting it for any resource. |
error - service unavailable | (503) Service Unavailable | The recipient is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the recipient. The implication is that this is a temporary condition; which will be alleviated after some delay. |
error - user rejected | (507) User Rejected | The request is not executed since the user rejected the request. | Notify Primitive Mapping Introduction
The Notify Request and Response primitives permit notifications to AE or CSEs that have subscribed to a Resource. When the AE and CSE have been subscribed to the <mgmtObj> Resource, the <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE will send the notification to the subscriber if the <mgmtObj> Resource has been changed according to the notification policy. For the notification, the <mgmtObj> resource hosting CSE has the responsibility to update the <mgmtObj> by monitoring the management objects in the device. Subscribe Procedure Mapping for OMA DM 1.3
OMA DM 1.3 does not have the subscription mechanism that notifies the DM Server when the management objects in the device have been changed. The optional alerts DM_TREE_UNCHANGED_ALERT and the DM_TREE_CHANGED_ALERT can indicate the changes occurred in the DM Tree, but those alerts is not sent to the DM Server at the time the changes occurs. The DM Server may use periodic retrieval to monitor changes in management objects. Vendor specific extensions may also be used for the subscription mechanism such as that any changes in management objects can be reported to the DM Server using the generic alerts. In this way, the <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE updates the <mgmtObj>, and can send the notification to the subscribers upon changes in the <mgmtObj> Resource.
When a <subscription> Resource for a <mgmtObj> Resource is Created or Updated, the <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE shall monitor the changes in the corresponding management objects by using the mechanism described above. In case of the <subscription> Resource deletion, the <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE might stop monitoring the management objects in the device. Note that this is not the primitive mapping since there is no such subscribe primitive in OMA DM 1.3. Subscribe Procedure Mapping for OMA DM 2.0
OMA DM 2.0 provides the SUB command that subscribe to any change occurring in a certain part of the DM Tree. When a change occurs, the DM Client will send a notification message with the changed management objects that has been subscribed. The <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE can use the SUB command to detect the changes in the management object and update the <mgmtObj> Resource. The optional SUB command might not be supported by the device, and in this case, the <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE periodically retrieve the management objects.
When a <subscription> Resource for a <mgmtObj> Resource is Created, Deleted or Updated the CSE shall perform the following procedures:
- The <subscription> Resource creation and update shall be mapped to the SUB command if the SUB command is supported. If the SUB command is not supported, the <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE shall monitor the changes in the relevant management objects by any means (e.g. the periodic retrieval).
- The <subscription> Resource deletion should be mapped to the UNSUB command if the UNSUB command is supported. In case that the corresponding management objects need to keep to be monitored, the UNSUB command may not be performed. If the UNSUB command is not supported, the <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE might stop monitoring the corresponding management objects in the device.
The status code mappings for the SUB/UNSUB commands are described in table
Table Subscribe Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DM 2.0 Status Code |
Description |
success | (200) OK | The DM command completed successfully. |
error - bad request | (400) Bad Request | The requested command could not be performed because of malformed syntax in the command. |
error - no privilege | (403) Forbidden | The requested command failed because the sender does not have adequate access rights on the recipient. |
error - not found | (404) Not Found | The requested target was not found. |
error - internal error | (500) Internal Error | The recipient encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
error - not implemented | (501) Not Implemented | The recipient does not support the features to fulfil the request. This is the appropriate response when the recipient does not recognize the requested command and is not capable of supporting it for any resource. |
error - service unavailable | (503) Service Unavailable | The recipient is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the recipient. The implication is that this is a temporary condition; which will be alleviated after some delay. |
error - user rejected | (507) User Rejected | The request is not executed since the user rejected the request. | Notification Procedure Mapping for OMA DM 1.3 and OMA DM 2.0
After the subscription procedures are mapped as described in the clause and, the <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE is being capable of monitoring changes for management objects in the device. By monitoring those changes for management objects, the <mgmtObj> Resource hosting CSE keeps the <mgmtObj> updated. Those modifications of the <mgmtObj> Resource will trigger the notification message to be sent to the subscribers according to the <subscription> Resource as specified by the [2]. This notification procedure is defined by the oneM2M service layer and independent on the underlying management technologies.
5.4.2 Management Resource Specific Procedure Mapping Introduction
In this clause, mappings specific to the Management Resource are described. Resource [firmware]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, FUMO [7] specifies the status codes that are exclusive for FUMO. Those status codes will be used only for the execute command, and shall be used only for the oneM2M UPDATE Request. The status code mappings specific to the [firmware] Resource shall be as follows:
Note that the status codes defined in FUMO are common to the OMA DM 1.3 and OMA DM 2.0.
Table Firmware MO Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA FUMO Status Code |
Description |
success | 200 | Successful |
success | 250-299 | Successful - Vendor Specified |
error - mgmt client error | 400 | Management Client Error |
error - user cancelled | 401 | User Cancelled |
error - package error | 402 | Corrupted Firmware Update Package |
error -package error | 403 | Firmware Update Package - Device Mismatch |
error -package error | 404 | Failed Firmware Update Package Validation |
error -package error | 405 | Firmware Update Package Not Acceptable |
error - download error | 406 | Alternate Download Authentication Failure |
error -download error | 407 | Alternate Download Request Time-Out |
error - not implemented | 408 | Not Implemented |
error - mgmt. adapter error | 409 | Undefined Error |
error - update failed | 410 | Firmware Update Failed |
error - bad request | 411 | Malformed or Bad URL |
error - download error | 412 | Alternate Download Server Unavailable |
error - client error | 450-499 | Client Error - Vendor Specified |
error - download error | 500 | Alternate Download Server Error |
error - download error | 501 | Download fails due to device is out of memory |
error - update failed | 502 | Firmware update fails due to device out of memory |
error - download error | 503 | Download fails due to network issues |
error - download error | 550-599 | Alternate Download Server Error - Vendor Specified | Resource [software]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, SCOMO [8] specifies the status codes that are exclusive for SCOMO. Those status codes will be used only for the execute command, and shall be used only for the oneM2M UPDATE Request. The status code mappings specific to the [software] Resource shall be as follows:
Note that the status codes defined in SCOMO are common to the OMA DM 1.3 and OMA DM 2.0.
Table SCOMO Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA SCOMO Status Code |
Description |
success | 1200 | Successful |
success | 1250-1299 | Successful - Vendor Specified |
error - client error | 1400 | Client Error |
error - user rejected | 1401 | User cancelled |
error - download error | 1402 | Download Failed |
error - download error | 1403 | Alternate Download Authentication Failure |
error - download error | 1404 | Download failed due to Device is out of memory |
error - update error | 1405 | Install Failed |
error - update error | 1406 | Install failed due to Device out of memory |
error - package error | 1407 | Failed package validation |
error - not executed | 1408 | Remove failed |
error - not executed | 1409 | Activate failed |
error - not executed | 1410 | Deactivate failed |
error - not implemented | 1411 | Not Implemented |
error - unknown error | 1412 | Undefined Error |
error - not executed | 1413 | Operation rejected - unsupported environment |
error - client error | 1450-1499 | Client Error - Vendor Specified |
error - download error | 1500 | Alternate Download Server Error |
error - download error | 1501 | Alternate Download Server Unavailable |
error - download error | 1550-1599 | Alternate Download Server Error - Vendor Specified | Resource [memory]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, no [memory] specific status codes are defined in [6]. Resource [areaNwkInfo]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, no [areaNwkDeviceInfo] specific status codes are defined in [9]. Resource [areaNwkDeviceInfo]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, no [areaNwkDeviceInfo] specific status codes are defined in [9] Resource [battery]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, no [battery] specific status codes are defined in [6]. Resource [deviceInfo]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, no [deviceInfo] specific status codes are defined in [3] and [4]. Resource [deviceCapability]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, DCMO [10] specifies the status codes that are exclusive for DCMO. Those status codes will be used only for the execute command, and shall be used only for the oneM2M UPDATE Request. The status code mappings specific to the [deviceCapability] Resource shall be as follows:
Note that the status codes defined in DCMO are common to the OMA DM 1.3 and OMA DM 2.0.
Table DCMO Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA DCMO Status Code |
Description |
success | 1200 | Operation Succeeds |
success | 1201 | Device Capability is enabled and attached |
success | 1202 | Device Capability is enabled and detached |
success | 1203 | Device Capability is disabled and User is not allowed to re-enable it |
success | 1204 | Device Capability is disabled and User is allowed to re-enable it |
error - client error | 1400 | Client Error |
error - user rejected | 1401 | User cancelled |
error - not executed | 1402 | Operation Failed |
error - client error | 1450-1499 | Client Error - Vendor Specific | Resource [reboot]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
The status code mappings specific for executing the reboot attribute in the [reboot] Resource does not require additional mapping other than the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, the status code mappings specific for executing the factoryReset attribute in the [reboot] shall be as follows: Those status codes will be used only for the execute command, and shall be used only for the oneM2M UPDATE Request.
Note that the status codes defined in LAWMO are common to the OMA DM 1.3 and OMA DM 2.0.
Table LAWMO Status Code Mapping
oneM2M Primitive Status Code | OMA LAWMO Status Code |
Description |
success | 1200 | Operation Succeeded |
success | 1250-1299 | Successful - Vendor Specified |
error - client error | 1400 | Client Error |
error - user rejected | 1401 | User cancelled |
error - client error | 1450-1499 | Client Error - Vendor Specified | Resource [eventLog]
The generic <mgmtObj> mappings described in the clause 5.4.1 shall apply, and no specific mapping is necessary.
In addition to the status code mapping for the <mgmtObj> CRUD Operations, no [eventLog] specific status codes are defined in [6].