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6.2 Mapping of Identifiers

6.2.0 Introduction

OMA LwM2M [5] defines specific identifiers for entities (e.g. End Point Client Name or Device Identifier, Server identifier, Objects identifiers). To enable the device management using OMA LwM2M [5], oneM2M identifiers needs to be mapped to identifiers specified by OMA LwM2M [5].

6.2.1 Device identifier

A unique identifier is assigned to the Device and referenced as Endpoint Client Name in OMA LwM2M [5].This value is globally unique and is formatted as a URN.

Several URN formats are recommended in OMA LwM2M [5] as UUID URN defined in [14], OPS URN defined in [16], IMEI URN defined in [15].

These Device identifiers shall map onto the oneM2M Node Identifier (M2M-Node-ID)

6.2.2 Object identifier

In OMA LwM2M [5], each object is characterized by a unique identifier represented by an integer. This identifier is provided by OMNA (OMA Naming Authority) and is registered as a unique URN:

  • urn:oma:lwm2m:{oma,ext,x}:objectID[ :{version}] ( e.g. the LwM2M 1.0 Device Object (ObjectID:3) is registered as urn:oma:lwm2m:oma:3).

The context of a given oneM2M <mgmtObj> Resource is represented by the objectIDs attribute which can contain several references to OMA LwM2M [5] Object identifiers expressed as OMNA registered URN.

6.2.3 Object Instance Identifier

OMA LwM2M [5] permits objects to have multiple object instances where each object instance is contained in the objectPath attribute of the <mgmtObj> Resource within the context of the Resource's objectIDs as described in previous clause.

The objectPath attribute in <mgmtObj> Resource contains one (or several) element(s) representing the local path(s) where the Object Instance(s) are located.