7.1 General mapping assumptions
7.1.0 Introduction
TR-069 [4] specifies a protocol for communication between a CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) and an ACS (Auto-Configuration Server). Any TR-069 enabled device has to follow the data model as described in the TR-106 [5] and TR181 [6] as well as RPCs described in TR-069 [4].
As TR-181 [6] is the model that the Resources are mapped, all Resources shall have the objects of the TR-181 [6] namespace (e.g. "urn:broadband-forum-org:tr-181-2-7-0").
7.1.1 Mapping of Device Identifiers
The Device identifiers for CPEs are mapped to the Resource Types [deviceInfo].
For CPE and Virtual Devices map their Device Identifiers (OUI-[PC-]SN) to the manufacturer, deviceType and deviceLabel attributes of the Resource [deviceInfo].
For Embedded Devices, the ControllerID and ProxiedDeviceID parameters of the Device.ManagementServer.EmbeddedDevice.{i} object instance are mapped to the deviceLabel attribute of the Resource [deviceInfo] as a comma separated list: "Device.ManagementServer.EmbeddedDevice.{i}.ControllerID, Device.ManagementServer.EmbeddedDevice.{i}.ProxiedDeviceID".
7.1.2 Mapping of Embedded Devices
The TR-181 [6] specification does not provide a mechanism where Embedded Devices provide information related to the Device.DeviceInfo objects and sub-objects. Instead the TR-181 [6] provides this information in a manner that is reliant on the Embedded Device's underlying technology (e.g. ZigBee(R), UpnP).
As such the mapping of the [memory] and [battery] Resources are implementation specific for each underlying technology and is outside the scope of the present document.