7.11 Resource [reboot]

The Resource [reboot] maps to either the Reboot RPC or FactoryReset RPC of TR-069 [4].

When the reboot attribute of the Resource [reboot] is set to "True", the CSE shall execute the Reboot RPC of TR069 [4].

When the factoryReset attribute of Resource [reboot] is set to "True", the CSE shall execute the FactoryReset RPC of TR-069 [4].

Table 7.11-1: Resource [reboot]

Attribute Name of [reboot] Description
reboot Executes the Reboot RPC
factoryReset FactoryReset RPC

Table 7.11-2: RPC Reboot Arguments

RPC Reboot Arguments
CommandKey: Automatically set by the CSE where the reboot is set to "True" in order to correlate the "M-Reboot" Event from the next Inform.