A.6 Functions
A first set of standard Objects for the LWM2M 1.0 enabler have been developed:
- Server Security: security data related to the LWM2M server(s) and/or the LWM2M Bootstrap Server.
- Server: data, configuration, functions related to the LWM2M Server.
- Access Control: to check whether the LWM2M server has access right for performing an operation on Resources in the LWM2M Client.
- Device: provision of a range of device related information, device reboot and factory reset function.
- Connectivity Monitoring: to monitor parameters related to underlying network connectivity.
- Firmware: provision of firmware management, installing and updating new firmware.
- Location: provides location information of the LWM2M Devices.
- Connectivity Statistics: to statistical information of network connection (e.g. SMS counter, UDP data size).
These Standard Objects are intended to support a variety of functionalities to manage LWM2M Devices. OMA has already specified others LWM2M objects (e.g. as Software Management, Device Capability Management,) and may create further objects in future. Furthermore, other organizations and companies may define additional LWM2M Objects for their own M2M services using according to LWM2M Object Template and Guideline Annex in [3]: e.g. oneM2M has specified the set of LWM2M Objects around CMDH Policy functionality; IPSO Alliance has developed LWM2M Objects for various sensors.