6.5 Handling of Non-Registration Request
Registered entities (AE and CSE) are allowed to send and receive non-registration request primitives. A WebSocket connection should support any of the transfer modes defined in clause 8.2 of oneM2M TS-0001 [2], i.e. blocking requests, and non-blocking requests for both synchronous and asynchronous cases.
When sending blocking requests, the WebSocket connection shall not be closed before the response is received, or before any configured timeout period has expired.
When sending non-blocking requests, the WebSocket connection shall not be closed before the acknowledgment response is received, or before any configured timeout period has expired. If the entities' communication policies and power saving requirements allow, the connection should be kept open at least until an ongoing procedure has fully completed, i.e. requesting of the result in synchronous mode or completion of Notify procedure in asynchronous mode.
If no WebSocket connection with a client exists when a Notify request primitive for this client becomes available at the server side, it should be stored and sent when the WebSocket connection is opened again by the client.