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5.8 Device Management

5.8.0 Introduction

The entities that are specified in this clause allow performing classical Device Management (DM) functions: rebooting a device, upgrading it, reading / setting its configuration, monitoring its logs, checking its memory or battery status, managing its firmware or its software modules, etc. They belong to the "management" domain.

In the case of a NoDN, it is the IPE in charge of exposing the device to oneM2M that creates / implements these modules. It may rely on external Device Management techniques like e.g. LwM2M (from OMA) or USP (from BBF), or any other technique, proprietary or standardized, that allows performing at least some DM functions, for instance a reboot.

The architecture of IPE-based Device Management is presented in oneM2M TS-0001 [3] clause, and the details of CRUD operations on the resources defined here are defined in oneM2M TS-0033 [21] clause 8. A developer's guide on Device Management can be found in oneM2M TR-0035 [i.13].

Editor note: Some attributes are missing from the short name tables in 6.3

5.8.1 flexNode

This flexContainer specialization is the root for SDT-based Device Maagement modules.

The containerDefinition attribute of this specialization shall be "".

This resource is a <flexContainer> child of the <node> resource targeted by the nodeLink attribute of <flexContainer> SDT devices (see in clause 6.2.2 the rule 1.7).

Table 5.8.1-1: Child resources of [flexNode] resource

Child Resources of [flexNode] Child Resource Type Multiplicity Description
dmAreaNwkInfo_<i> [dmAreaNwkInfo]] 0..n See clause 5.8.9.
dmAgent [dmAgent] 0..1 See clause 5.8.2.
dmDeviceInfo [dmDeviceInfo] 1 See clause 5.8.3.
dmDataModelIO_<i> [dmDataModelIO] 0..N See clause 5.8.4.
dmFirmware_<i> [dmFirmware] 1..N See clause 5.8.5.
dmSoftware_<i> [dmSoftware] 0..N See clause 5.8.6.
dmEventLog_<i> [dmEventLog] 0..N See clause 5.8.7.
dmPackage_<i> [dmPackage]] 0..N See clause 5.8.8,
battery_<i> [battery] 0..N See clause
dmCapability_<i> [dmCapability]] 0..N See clause 5.8.11.
dmStorage_<i> [dmStorage]] 0..N See clause 5.8.12.

NOTE 1: The notation '<i>' for child resources indicates that the resource name is the name of the child ModuleClass or SubDevice flexContainer, appended with an underscore '_' and an incrementing index so that it is unique in the [flexNode] children (e.g. "dmFirmware_0", "dmFirmware_1", etc.). The index shall not have leading 0's.

NOTE 2: The current list of modules for Device Management is not fixed and can evolve with new optional features.

5.8.2 dmAgent

This ModuleClass is the entry point module of [flexNode]; it provides capabilities to control and monitor the Device Management of the device.

Table 5.8.2-1 Actions of dmAgent ModuleClass

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Description
none reboot rebootType: hd:enumRebootType false Execute a reboot or a factory reset
M2MID deployPackage name: xs:string
version: xs:string
url: xs:url
true Create a dmPackage.
Return the ID of the created package.

The deployPackage action allows creating a new [dmPackage] module class (see clause 5.8.8), child of this dmAgent's parent flexNode. The returned value is the ID of this created <flexContainer>. The created dmPackage is in NotInstalled state. The DataPoints of dmAgent Module Class are as follows:

  • 'state' represents the state of the agent for DM purposes (ready, sleeping, etc.).
  • some optional device properties which can be used for Device Management purpose. The dmAgent can be seen as a 'dashboard' that gathers common information such as battery level, memory or CPU usage, etc.

Table 5.8.2-2 DataPoints of dmAgent ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
state hd:enumDmAgentState R false The current state of the agent (ready, error, etc.)
storageAvailable xs:integer R true KB The size of available storage memory.
storageTotal xs:integer R true KB The size of total storage memory.
ramAvailable xs:integer R true KB The size of available RAM memory.
ramTotal xs:integer R true KB Total size of the RAM memory.
powerStatus hd:enumPowerState R true The status of the electrical power.
cpuUsage xs:integer R true pct Current CPU usage in percent.
systemTime m2m:timestamp RW true Reference time for the device.

5.8.3 dmDeviceInfo

This ModuleClass is used to share static information regarding the device.

Table 5.8.3-1 DataPoints of dmDeviceInfo ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
serialNumber xs:string R true Unique device label assigned by the manufacturer.
The value of the datapoint typically exposes the device's serial number that is specific to a manufacturer.
manufacturer xs:string R true The name/identifier of the device manufacturer.
manufacturerDetailsLink xs:anyURI RW true URL to manufacturer's website.
manufacturingDate m2m:timestamp R true Manufacturing date of device.
model xs:string R true The name/identifier of the device model assigned by the manufacturer.
subModel xs:string R true Device sub-model name.
hwVersion xs:string R true The hardware version / revision of the device.
osVersion xs:string R true Version of the operating system (defined by manufacturer).
country m2m:countryCode R true Country code of the device. It could be manufacturing country, deployment country or procurement country.
supportURL xs:anyURI RW true URL that points to product support information of the device.
presentationURL xs:anyURI RW true To quote UpnP: "the control point can retrieve a page from this URL, load the page into a web browser, and depending on the capabilities of the page, allow a user to control the device and/or view device status. The degree to which each of these can be accomplished depends on the specific capabilities of the presentation page and device".
friendlyName xs:string RW true The device friendly name.
description xs:string RW true A human readable description of the device (e.g. Alice's cell phone, kitchen's fridge, etc.)

NOTE: Although all datapoints are optional, depending on the underlying DM technology, some datapoints should be filled, for instance serialNumber, manufacturer and model when this information is available.

5.8.4 dmDataModelIO

This ModuleClass provides capabilities to handle the device's Data Model for cases where the underlying Device Management technology supports APIs that are not directly reflected in the flexNode modules.

Table 5.8.4-1 Actions of dmDataModelIO ModuleClass

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Description
xs:string readIO address: xs:string true Read the current values of parameters. Argument: the list of the parameter names.
Returns a JSON serialization of the parameters (see Rules 3-2 and 3-6 in clause 6.2.4).
xs:string writeIO address: xs:string
payload: xs:string
true Update the current values of parameters. Arguments:
'address': the list of the parameter names,
'payload': the list of the parameter values.
Returns the list of the modified parameter names.

Table 5.8.4-2 DataPoints of dmDataModelIO ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
dataModelType hd:enumDataModelType R false The type of the data model (OMA DM, OMA LwM2M, BBF TR-181, etc.).

The readIO and writeIO actions are defined for handling parameters of the underlying Device Management protocol using the APIs defined by those technologies. The values used in the address argument are dependent on the value of the dataModelType data point of the dmAgent ModuleClass.

Example of address values could be 'Device.WiFi.SSID.1' if dataModelType=6 (BBF TR-181 USP) or '/9/1/1' if dataModelType=4 (OMA LwM2M).

These address and payload argument can contain several values separated by a comma ','. The payload argument's value types are the valid JSON primitive types (string, number, boolean, null).


    -> {"Device.WiFi.SSID.SSID": "SSIDName"}

    -> {"/3/0/1":"MyCompany","/3/0/2":"SN376575A86"}

writeIO(address="Device.DeviceInfo.FriendlyName,Device.WiFi.SSID.SSID", payload="my device,my ssid"}
    -> {"Device.DeviceInfo.FriendlyName,Device.WiFi.SSID.SSID"}

writeIO(address="/3/0/15", payload="[Europe/Paris](Europe/Paris)")
    -> {"/3/0/15"}

NOTE: Some datapoints of the dmAgent and dmDeviceInfo ModuleClasses correspond to fixed parameters in OMA & BBF data models. The corresponding concepts in OMA DM / LwM2M data models (resp. BBF TR-181 [i.12]) are specified in oneM2M TS-0005 (resp. TS-0006 [i.15]). For instance the datapoint memAvailable corresponds to 'Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus.Free' in BBF TR-181 [i.12] (see oneM2M TS-0006 [i.15] clause 7.3) and to '/3/0/10' in LwM2M (oneM2M TS-0005 clause 6.3.4).

5.8.5 dmFirmware

This ModuleClass provides Device Management capabilities to control and monitor the firmware of a device.

The device can contain multiple components (a graphic card for instance) that can have individual firmwares, and they need to be managed separately. The [flexNode] allows one [dmFirmware] module per component plus one 'major' [dmFirmware] for the device itself.

Individual firmwares are managed using the [dmFirmware] actions presented in Table 5.8.-1.

Table 5.8.5-1 Actions of dmFirmware ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Description
xs:string updateFirmware url: xs:url
version: xs:string
true Downloads a new firmware to the device / sub-component. In case of devices that do support toggling between multiple preinstalled firmware versions it also starts the firmware flashing/installation process.
The updateFirmware action as it results returns an AE/IPE message indicating if the action was successful or not.
xs:string toggle none true Toggles between the firmware versions installed on a device/sub-component. In case of devices that do not support such toggling, it triggers the firmware flashing/installation process.
The toggle action as it results returns an AE/IPE message indicating if the action was successful or not.

The abstraction model used for [dmFirmware] manages the firmware through two images: a primary firmware image and a secondary one. Despite the naming both images are equivalent and a secondary image can be actively used by a device just like the primary one.

Using an abstraction model based on two firmware images it is possible to effectively manage firmware on devices with different firmware capabilities. The state machine for firmware management using two images is shown in Figure 5.8.5-1 for devices that do support toggling between multiple preinstalled firmware versions and in Figure 5.8.5-2 for devices that can have only one firmware version installed.

Table 5.8.5-2 DataPoints of dmFirmware ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
multiFirmware xs:boolean R false Indicates if the device/sub-component supports toggling between multiple preinstalled firmware versions.
primaryState hd:enumFirmwareState R false The current state of the primary firmware image (active, downloading, etc.).
primaryName xs:string R false The name of the primary firmware image.
primaryVersion xs:string R false The version of the primary firmware image.
primaryUrl xs:url R true The URL from which the primary firmware image was downloaded.
secondaryState hd:enumFirmwareState R true The current state of the secondary firmware image (active, downloading, etc.). Mandatory when updateFirmware is available.
secondaryName xs:string R true The name of the secondary firmware image.
secondaryVersion xs:string R true The version of the secondary firmware image.
secondaryUrl xs:url R true The URL from which the secondary firmware image was downloaded.
component xs:string R true Allows to identify the sub-component that uses this firmware.
This datapoint is mandatory if this is a sub-component firmware.

NOTE 1: Both primary and secondary firmware image related dataPoints are mandatory when updateFirmware is available, however depending on the device capabilities one of the two state machines - the one presented in Figure 5.8.5-1 or the one shown in Figure 5.8.5-2 should be used.

Lifecycle of a dmFirmware

Figure 5.8.5-1: Lifecycle of a dmFirmware for devices that support toggling between preinstalled firmware images

For devices that support toggling between multiple preinstalled firmware images the following rules apply:

  • There is always one firmware image that is in "Active" state.
  • Toggling between firmware images is only possible if one image is in "Ready" state and the other image is in "Active" state.
  • updateFirmware action is always performed on the image that is in "Ready" or "Failure" state.

NOTE 2: It is the AE/IPE responsibility to provide the appropriate action result pointing if the action was triggered on the device or not (e.g. if the current firmware state did not allow it).

Lifecycle of a dmFirmware

Figure 5.8.5-2: Lifecycle of a dmFirmware for devices that can have only one firmware version installed

In case of a device that can have only one firmware version installed the additional firmware image is used differently. First of all it is treated as a temporary storage for the updateFirmware action that triggers the download process. When the download process is finished the status of the firmware image is changed to "Ready". It is important to note that in this case the installation/flashing process is started after the toggle action is issued, making it a "long toggle". At the very same moment the toggle is issued, the previously active firmware image is moved to "Archival" state, making it a historical record that cannot be restored. The reason why it cannot be restored is trivial - it was just overwritten by the flashing process.

For devices that can have only one firmware version installed the following rules apply:

  • There is always no more than one firmware image that is in "Active" or "Installing" state.
  • Toggling between firmware images is only possible if one image is in "Ready" state and the other image is in "Active" state.
  • The toggle action moves the image that was previously in "Active" state to the "Archival" state.
  • The toggle action moves the image that was previously in "Ready" state to the "Installing" state.
  • updateFirmware action is always performed on the image that is in "Archival" or "Failure" state.

If one image is in "Archival" state and the other is in "Failure" state the updateFirmware action is always performed on the image that is in "Archival" state.

NOTE 3: It is the AE/IPE responsibility to provide the appropriate action result pointing if the action was triggered on the device or not (e.g. if the current firmware state did not allow it).

5.8.6 dmSoftware

This ModuleClass provides DM capabilities to control and monitor software modules of the device.

An instance of this ModuleClass represents a software module hosted by the device.

A [dmSoftware] module is created on a Hosting CSE by the IPE in charge of the device, either at the initialization if it represents a software module that is pre-installed on the device, or after installation of one or more [5.8.8 dmPackage] modules (see clause 5.8.8) that have been dynamically created (for instance a software image with associated configuration files and libraries).

The association between one or more dmPackage modules and a dmSoftware module are under the responsibility of the IPE: dmSoftware modules are created, deleted or updated only by the IPE (for instance updating a dmPackage can trigger the modification of the version datapoint of an associated dmSoftware).

From external applications, [dmSoftware] modules can only be discovered from the parent [flexNode], not created, and afterwards they can only be activated / deactivated. They can be seen as 'high level' information ("there is such software that is running on the device"), whereas dmPackage are 'low level' information ("there is such executable file that is deployed on the device").

Table 5.8.6-1 Actions of dmSoftware ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Description
none activate none true Activate the software module.
none deactivate none true Deactivate the software module.

Table 5.8.6-2 DataPoints of dmSoftware ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
hd:enumSoftwareState R false The current state of the software module (see clause 5.6.47).
name xs:string R true The name of the software module.
version xs:string R true The version of the software module.

5.8.7 dmEventLog

This ModuleClass provides DM capabilities to control and monitor event logs of the device.

Table 5.8.7-1 Actions of dmEventLog ModuleClass

Return Type Name Arguments Optional Description
none retrieveLog start: xs:datetime
end: xs:datetime
true Upload from the device the logging data between 'start' and 'end'.
'start' shall be a date before 'end', and is optional. The default is beginning of time.
'end' shall be a date after 'start' and is optional. The default is the timestamp of the last available log entry.

This action, if provided, requests the IPE to read logging data on the device. This log is then stored in the 'data' datapoint. It is only valid when the 'enabled' datapoint is true. The start and end arguments are only indications of the timeframe for the log retrieval. If a target device can deliver only partial logs for a given timeframe, for example when the start argument is too far in the past and logs are not available for that time anymore, then the device shall deliver logs from the earliest available point in time on.

Table 5.8.7-2 DataPoints of dmEventLog ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
type m2m:logTypeId R false The type of the log (e.g. security log, system log, etc).
data xs:string R false Raw data of last event. No format specified.
status m2m:logStatus R false The current status of the logging process (Started, Stopped, Error, etc.)
enabled xs:boolean RW false Start / stop logging.

For devices using the dmEventLog ModuleClass, the following rules apply:

  • The actual logging process on the device (if any), and the retrieval of device logging data by the IPE, are out of scope of the present document.
  • Instances of this module should only be created by the IPE (one per log type supported by the device for instance).
  • The IPE can create a [dmEventLog] instance with status datapoint 'NotPresent' for a given log type, to indicate that this log type is not supported by the device. Otherwise status should have value 'Started' (resp. 'Stopped') if the enabled datapoint is set to true (resp. false). The status datapoint can be given 'Error' value if the log processing dysfunctions.
  • The IPE should use the <flexContainerInstance> history mechanism (see oneM2M TS-0001 clause 9.6.59) by setting on [dmEventLog] at least one attribute maxNrOfInstances, maxByteSize or maxInstanceAge. Then for each log event read by the IPE from the device, and if the enabled datapoint has value true, a <flexContainerInstance> resource shall be created, child of this module <flexContainer>. The [dmEventLog] module itself just contains the last logged event from the device for this log type.
  • The [dmEventLog] <flexContainer>, and therefore its <flexContainerInstance> children resources, should have a dataGenerationTime custom attribute that indicates the time the event was logged on the device (see Rule 2-5 in clause 6.2.3).

When the enabled datapoint is set to false, the IPE shall set the status datapoint to 'Stopped' and shall not modify the data datapoint of the module, and therefore shall not create any <flexContainerInstance> child resource.

5.8.8 dmPackage

This ModuleClass provides DM capabilities to deploy, control and monitor packages of the device.

  • These packages can be simple resource files such as software libraries, configuration files, etc. In this case the softwares datapoint will be empty.
  • They also can correspond to software images, in which case their installation will trigger the creation by the IPE of one or more [dmSoftware] SDT modules classes that can be activated / deactivated (see clause 5.8.6). In this case the softwares datapoint will contain the list of IDs of this(these) dmSoftware module(s).
  • Instances of the dmPackage module class can be dynamically created by the "deployPackage" action of the dmAgent module class (see clause 5.8.2).

Table 5.8.8-1 Actions of dmPackage ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Description
none install none false Download if needed and install the package.
none uninstall none false Uninstall the package.
none update version: xs:string
url: xs:string
false Update the package.

Editor's note: update is missing in Table 6.3.2-4


  • The package can be pre-downloaded when the [dmPackage] resource is created.
  • In the update action, the arguments version and url can be empty strings (case for instance of updating a package on a Linux-type system).
  • When the [dmPackage] resource is deleted, the package shall be removed from the device.

Table 5.8.8-2 DataPoints of dmPackage ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
type hd:enumPackageType R false The type of the package (software, library, config file, web content, etc. See clause 5.6.49)
state hd:enumPackageState R false The current state of the package (see clause 5.6.48)
name xs:string R true The name of the package.
version xs:string R true The version of the package.
url xs:url R true The URL from which the package can be downloaded
softwares m2m:listOfM2MID R true The list of dmSoftware modules, if any, that are associated with this [dmPackage] module


  • The [dmPackage] name and version datapoints are optional because they can be deduced from the downloaded resource. The url datapoint is optional because the package can be pre-installed or downloaded from a default repository (for instance a package on a Linux-type system).
  • The possible dependencies between [dmPackage] modules (for instance the [dmPackage] of an executable software image depends on the deployment of other dmPackage that correspond to libraries needed by this software) is out of scope of the present document.

The control of the association between a dmPackage and an associated dmSoftware module, for instance updating a [dmPackage] when the dmSoftware is active, is out of scope of the present document.

5.8.9 dmAreaNwkInfo

A dmAreaNwkInfo is a SDT SubDevice entity, mapped as a <flexContainer> resource that expresses the information about the devices in a M2M Area Network managed by the parent flexNode.

Table 5.8.9-1: Properties of dmAreaNwkInfo model

Property Name Property Type Multiplicity Description
propAreaNwkType xs :string 1 Indicates the type of M2M Area Network

Table 5.8.9-2: Modules of dmAreaNwkInfo model

Module Instance Name Module Class Name Multiplicity Description
dmAreaNwkDeviceInfo dmAreaNwkDeviceInfo 0..N See clause 5.8.10.

5.8.10 dmAreaNwkDeviceInfo

This ModuleClass is used to share information regarding the devices in the M2M Area Network.

Table 5.8.10-1 DataPoints of dmAreaNwkDeviceInfo ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
devId xs:string R false Indicates the id of the device. It could be the id of the hardware or nodeId.
devType xs:string R false Indicates the type of the device. The attribute also indicates the functions or services that are provided by the device. Examples include temperature sensor, actuator, IEEE 802.15.4 (tm) coordinator or router.
sleepInterval xs:integer R true seconds The interval between two sleeps.
sleepDuration xs:integer R true seconds The time duration of each sleep.
status xs:string R true The status of the device (sleeping or waked up).

5.8.11 dmCapability

This ModuleClass is used to model the service capabilities of a managed device.

Table 5.8.11-1: Actions of dmCapability ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
m2m:status enable none true The action that allows enabling the device capability.
Returns the status of the action.
m2m:status disable none true The action that allows disabling the device capability.
Returns the status of the action.

Table 5.8.11-2 DataPoints of dmCapability ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
name xs:string R false The name of the device capability.
attached xs:boolean R false Indicates whether the capability is currently attached to the device or not.
currentState xs:boolean R false Indicates the current state of the capability (e.g. enabled or disabled).

5.8.12 dmStorage

This ModuleClass is used to model the storage on a managed device.

Table 5.8.12-1: Actions of dmStorage ModuleClass

Return Type Name Argument Optional Documentation
none format none true The action that allows to format the mounted storage.
none unmount none true The action that allows to safety eject storage device.

Table 5.8.12-2 DataPoints of dmStorage ModuleClass

Name Type R/W Optional Unit Description
UUID xs:string R true The uuid of the storage device.
type xs:integer R true Indicates the type of storage. 0 indicates internal and 1 indicates external.
name xs:string RW true Indicates name of the mounted storage.
writeSpeed xs:integer R true Indicates the write speed of storage device.
readSpeed xs:integer R true Indicates the read speed of storage device.
availStorage xs:integer R false MB Indicates the current available amount of memory.
totalStorage xs:integer R false MB Indicates the total amount of memory available.
presence xs:integer R true Indicates current presence status of memory card. 0 indicates card is ejected, 1 indicates card is inserted.
status xs:integer R true Indicates current operation status of storage. 1 -indicates storage is ready, 0 indicates storage is busy.
mounts xs:integer R true Indicates number of successful mounts of the storage.
forcedUnmounts xs:integer R true Indicates number of forced unmounts of the storage.
fileSystem xs:string RW true Indicates the filesystem type used on the mounted storage.
mountingPoint xs:string RW true Indicates mounting point of the mounted storage.
mountOptions xs:string R true Indicates additional file system specific and file system independent mount options that indicate specific behaviours of the mount point as well as the capabilities of the underlying file system.
writable xs:boolean R false Indicates whether the storage volume is mounted as read/write ("TRUE") or read-only ("FALSE").