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6.4 containerDefinition values

6.4.1 Introduction

Each specialization has a containerDefinition attribute which can be used as a unique identifier and contains the information of the resource. In this clause, the detailed values of containerDefinition attributes in every specializations for the harmonized information model are given.

The full list of domains is:

"agriculture", "city", "common", "health", "home", "industry", "management", "metadata", "publicsafety", "railway" and "vehicular".

6.4.2 Device models

Depending on the domain, the containerDefinition attribute of specializations for device models shall have the values that comply with the following rule.

  • Rule: "org.onem2m.[domain].device.[device name]", where [domain] is one of the domain names defined in 6.4.1. The name is chosen according to the domain in which the device is defined.

For example, the containerDefinition attribute of the specialization for the "deviceAirConditioner" device of the "home" domain shall be "org.onem2m.home.device.deviceAirConditioner".

6.4.3 ModuleClasses

Depending on the domain, the containerDefinition attribute of specializations for module classes shall have the values that comply with the following rule.

  • Rule: "org.onem2m.[domain].moduleclass.[moduleclass name]", where [domain] is one of the domain names defined in 6.4.1. The name is chosen according to the domain in which the module class is defined.

For example, the containerDefinition attribute of the specialization for the "alarmSpeaker" module class of the "common" domain shall be "org.onem2m.common.moduleclass.alarmSpeaker", the containerDefinition attribute of the specialization for the "dmAgent" module class of the "management" domain shall be "".

6.4.4 Actions

Depending on the domain, the containerDefinition attribute of specializations for actions shall have the values that comply with the following rule:

  • Rule: "org.onem2m.[domain].action.[action name]", where [domain] is one of the domain names defined in 6.4.1. The name is chosen according to the domain in which the action is defined.

For example, the containerDefinition attribute of the specialization for "activateClockTimer" action in the "timer" module class of the "common" domain shall be "org.onem2m.common.action.activateClocktimer", the containerDefinition attribute of the specialization for the "activate" action of the "dmSoftware" ModuleClass of the "management" domain shall be "".

6.4.5 SubDevices

Depending on the domain, the containerDefinition attribute of specializations for sub-devices shall have the values that comply with the following rule:

  • Rule: "org.onem2m.[domain].subdevice.[subDevice name]", where [domain] is one of the following names: "agriculture", "city", "common", "health", "home", "industry", "railway", "vehicular" and "management". The name is chosen according to the domain in which the sub-device is defined.

For example, the containerDefinition attribute of specialization for "subDevicePowerOutlet" of the "common" domain shall be "org.onem2m.common.subdevice.subDevicePowerOutlet", the containerDefinition attribute of the specialization for the "dmAreaNwkInfo" for the "management" domain shall be "org.onem2m. management.subdevice.dmAreaNwkInfo".